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WATCH: The News-Benders
A reader posted this in our comments section a few days ago and we liked it so much we...
Why the BBC’s new “anti-vaxxer documentary” is a complete farce
Iain Davis Audio Version New Feature! The BBC is either the worst media organisation on Earth or the best,...
REVIEW: The Assassination and Mrs. Paine
Edward Curtin Human duplicity is a marvel to contemplate. This riveting documentary is an excellent example of such cunning in...
AUDIO: Kit Knightly on Jerm Warfare with Jeremy Nell
Following up their discussion of fake binaries on the Jerm Warfare podcast, Kit Knightly joins Jeremy Nell on his...
REVIEW: JFK – Destiny Betrayed
Edward Curtin The timing of the early March 2022 release of this digital streaming documentary could not be more...
Operation Mass Formation
Claire O’Driscoll Despite an apparent shift in the mainstream narrative to the crisis in Ukraine, the Irish State’s Covid-19...
The War in Afghanistan: The real ‘Crime of the Century’ behind the Opioid Crisis
Max Parry Editor’s Note – This article was written, and submitted to us, before the Taliban’s take-over of Kabul....
The Woking of Tolkien: don’t let identity politics infect Middle Earth
JR Leach It is 20 years since the premiere of Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship...
Alien Minds and the Will to Believe
Edward Curtin Once upon a time in my youthful naiveté, I would mock those who said they believed in...
The One Ring and the Villain in All of Us
Kit Knightly This year marks the 20th anniversary of the release of the Fellowship of the Ring, the first...
Serbian WWII film smeared by war propagandists in Western media
Max Parry Eighty years ago last month, the Axis powers invaded the former Yugoslavia during the Second World War....
You Know “We’ll Never Know,” Don’t You?
Edward Curtin In his new, six-part, seven hours plus documentary – “Can’t Get You Out of My Head: An...
What REALLY Got Gina Carano Cancelled
Sometimes something is just so unfair you have to take a moment to correct the record: Gina Carano didn’t...
WATCH: 2+2=5
2+2=5 is an award-winning Iranian short film written and directed by Babak Anvari. First released in 2011, but arguably...
Fascist Kabuki
John Steppling “There is no question that most television is a waste of time. The people connected with it...
OffG Recommends….V for Vendetta
"OffG Recommends" is a new series we'll be putting out intermittently commenting on books, film, television or other arts...
HBO’s ‘Welcome to Chechnya’ is latest anti-Russian Cold War propaganda
Max Parry In 2017, explosive allegations first emerged that the authorities of the Chechen Republic were reportedly interning gay...
Donetsk film’s planned interference in the US Presidential Election
Rhys Jones The new spy thriller Alpha R, which is being shot in Donetsk for a release later this...
REVIEW: Planet of the Humans
The pandemic is fetishized and much like the climate alarmism associated with Greta and The Guardian paper, there is...
Painting A True Christ: A Review of Terrence Malik’s “A Hidden Life”
Edward Curtin There’s an early scene in Terrence Malik’s masterful new film – what I would call a moving...