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The Speech Police
CJ Hopkins
OK, this one is for all the professional “sensitivity editors” out there, and for the US Department of Homeland...
The Hate-Crime Commissar of New Normal Berlin
CJ Hopkins
The column you are about to read is a “hate crime.” Or, rather, an alleged “hate crime,” as I...
Stabbings to Show Trials: 9 Simple Steps to Criminalize Free Speech
Kit Knightly
In the wake of the Southport attack and ensuing riots, we wrote that the agenda had become clear –...
The People’s Court of New Normal Germany – Part Two
CJ Hopkins
So, my second trial for alleged thoughtcrime-tweeting is going ahead as planned on August 15 in Berlin Superior Court...
From COVID-19 to Campus Protests: How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech
John & Nisha Whitehead
“Politicians of both parties want to use the power of government to silence their foes. Some in the university...
The Palestine Congress
CJ Hopkins
Thank God for the German Hate Police! Or heil … or whatever the appropriate salutation is for these unsung...
The Hate Police
CJ Hopkins
From now on, any form of expression that the authorities consider “likely” to offend a member of one of...
The Language of Force
John & Nisha Whitehead “If the state could use [criminal] laws not for their intended purposes but to silence...
Technocensorship: When Corporations Serve As a Front for Government Censors
John & Nisha Whitehead
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way...
Richard D. Hall – A Travesty of Justice
Iain Davis UK independent journalist, researcher and documentary filmmaker Richard D. Hall faces conviction, sizeable damages and an injunction...
The Hug of the Smug
Sylvia Shawcross When you grow older it is almost arduous trying to remember what once was. I was trying...
Bah Humbug: The Police State Wants Us To Be a Nation of Snowflakes
John & Nisha Whitehead “This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their...
What We Are Not Allowed to Say
Christine Black
Censorship imperils cultures and civilization. When governments and elites prohibit speaking or writing without threats, shaming, or epithets meant...
Israel-Hamas “war” – another excuse to shut down free speech
Kit Knightly
As a brand new war-narrative unfolds, there’s already efforts underway to parlay the conflict into tighter controls on free...
“Where were all the anarchists during Covid19?”
This wide-ranging interview was conducted with Paul Cudenec of Winter Oak by two anarchist pro-freedom campaigners, MA and WS,...
Online Censorship: Canada Continues Crackdown
Kit Knightly
On Friday the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission published new guidelines requiring media outlets to register with the service...
Figuring Out Their Angle
Todd Hayen A federal law was recently passed in Canada called the Online News Act, or Bill C-18. Basically,...
How Not to Launch a Global Anti-Censorship Movement
CJ Hopkins So, I’ve been excommunicated from Michael Shellenberger’s global anti-censorship movement. It’s my own fault. I was sowing...
An Urgent Call to Speak Truth
Karen hunt “There can be no doubt that a historic battle is shaping up. I expect it to get...
The Criminalization of Dissent (continued)
CJ Hopkins So, the Berlin State Prosecutor has launched another criminal investigation of me. Apparently, I’m being charged with...