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US Terrorism 101: The Bert Sacks Story
Edward Curtin
Audio Version New Feature! Since the annual US Veterans Day holiday honoring military veterans was just two weeks ago,...
Is the US Now at War Against Iraq AND Iran?
Eric Zuesse On January 9th, Iraq’s Prime Minister and Parliament again ordered all American troops out, but on January...
WATCH: No End in Sight (2007)
Joe Giambrone, The Political Film Blog The Banality of Imperial War Criminals “Not only will America go to your...
Who cares how war criminals vote?
Kit Knightly
And so ends the Labour career of Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair's PR man, one of the key architects of...
The Geography of War: No Iraq…? No Iran!
Brett Redmayne-Titley No other country in the Middle East is as important in countering America’s rush to provide Israel...
Crocodile Tears for Venezuela
On 26 February, Stephen Hickey, UK political coordinator at the United Nations, delivered a statement at the Security Council...
From Baghdad to Finland and All Across the World: What’s the US Up To?
We are publishing here two articles on this subject from Helsinki Times, dated December 29, 2018 and January 1,...
Middle East, post-Daesh: Some Possible Scenarios
by Denis Churilov ISIS/Daesh is likely to be defeated in Syria and Iraq very soon. But will it bring...
Guardian Plugs War Criminal’s Book
Kit Knightly
Nobody should be surprised to learn that Alistair Campbell, the former Blair PR guru, suffers from psychological problems. Obviously,...
Iraqi WMDs Anyone? Washington Post Makes Unfounded Claims Of Iranian Supplies To Insurgencies
from Moon of Alabama The Washington Post falls back into its 2005 mode of blaming Iran for the capabilities...
VIDEO: Queen unveils monument celebrating half a million Iraqi deaths
from UKColumn News On March 9 The Queen and Prince Philip unveiled a new monument to “honour the duty...
VIDEO: From Anthrax to Iraq
Robbie Martin of joins James Corbett to talk about his research into the anthrax attacks of 2001 They...
Fake News and False Flags: Pentagon Paid Millions to Create Fake Terrorist Videos
How the Pentagon paid a British PR firm $500 million for top secret Iraq propaganda by Crofton Black and...
Fifteen Years of the “War on Terror”
Rebecca Barrigos from September marks 15 years since the US state turned the tragedy of the World Trade...
Chilcot: Internal memos show Syria may have been on the agenda since 2001
The Chilcot Report was released On Wednesday, and a hard copy can be yours for just £767 (though I...
BBC April 9 2003: "Tonight [Blair] stands a larger man"
Andrew Marr gave this piece to camera for BBC News outside 10 Downing Street April 9 2003, the day...
Guardian: Iraqis think Blair made a ‘mistake’
by Jonathan Cook It will be no surprise to readers of this blog that I believe Tony Blair should...
Obama’s “Humanitarian” Bombing Campaign “Against” the Islamic State (ISIS)
by Prof. Michael Chossudovsky, for Global Research Almost 2 years ago, August 8, 2014, Obama launched a bombing campaign...
War Criminal Blair Warmongers for Ground Invasion of Syria and Iraq
from New Eastern Outlook In an ideal world, Tony Blair would have been tried for war crimes years ago,...
Western Hegemony Versus Russian Sanity
by Mark Taliano One of the unstated goals of imperial warfare is to make hapless civilians pay a price...