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English Translation of Udo Ulfkotte’s “Bought Journalists” Suppressed?

James Tracy The English translation of German journalist Udo Ulfkotte’s best-selling book, Gekaufte Journalisten (Bought Journalists) appears to have been suppressed throughout North America and Europe. On May 15,...

How to identify CIA limited hangout?

by Webster Tarpley, June 2013 This article originally appeared on in 2013 at this link, which is now inactive (you can see it here on the Wayback machine)....

The word of the day is…

by Mark Doran If there’s one thing that the West’s state-corporate media loves to report, it’s public protest in a non-compliant country — people demonstrating against some government that...

Americans Are Only Now Beginning to Learn that We Live in a Dictatorship

by Eric Zuesse first published at The first time it became clear to me that I live in a dictatorship was in 2014 when reading, prior to its...

When The Unthinkable Becomes Quotidian: Thermic runaway and Strangelovian palaver

by Phil Rockstroh The effects of humankind created climate chaos are proving to be more devastating than even the grimmest predictions. Today’s wealth inequity is worse than in the...

Iran: the seventh country on the alleged US list for regime change

Just a reminder of Wes Clark’s claim the US planned back in 2002 to “take out 7 countries in 5 years”. Six of those countries – Iraq, Libya, Somalia,...

are our political leaders any more real than the narratives they sell?

How much reality is there in modern politics? Yes, the narratives rolled out are almost routinely false, at least in part, but what about the personalities presented to us...

Panic of Boris Johnson in Moscow – Agony of Rotting Empire

Andre Vltchek It has been all very ugly, aggressive and often distinctly vulgar: the way the British Foreign Secretary has behaved before and during his official visit to Moscow....

The Christmas Truce 1914

The unofficial Christmas truce of 1914, year 1 of the Great War, saw German, British and French soldiers defying orders to openly fraternise in no-man’s land and even...

PBS Commanding Heights: interview with Tony Benn from 2000

This interview with radical Left British politician Tony Benn was conducted in October 2000 as part of the PBS Commanding Heights project. The original can be seen here. Other...

The Death of Academic Freedom: Professor James Tracy Denied First Amendment Rights by Federal Court

by Vivian Lee James Tracy, former tenured professor at Florida Atlantic University, rose to some notoriety after his website, The Memory Hole Blog, began exploring claims being made in...

The recent Guardian whitewash of the White Helmet is more sinister than we realise

by Adam Garrie at Oriental Review The recent Guardian hit-piece against journalists Vanessa Beeley, Professor Tim Anderson and Eva Bartlett is something far more sinister than most people have...

What Was Verifiably Great About America: Fragments Of A Memoir Set To A Musical Soundtrack

by Phil Rockstroh Having been born in a coal and steel company town but destiny delivered, as an adult, to reside, during extended intervals, in the East and West...

In this season of good will please consider becoming an OffG patron…

At the moment, particularly since we had to abandon our Paypal account, we don’t get enough income to cover our running costs, let alone allow us to develop the...

Shadow Economy, Democracy and the Manipulation of Public Opinion

by Denis Churilov Let’s talk about drugs, pop-music, public opinion manipulation and shadow economy. There’s a sociological concept known as the Overton window (also known as the Window of...

NATO – the tool of European neo-fascism and Pope’s “blessed silence”

by Prof. Arthur Noble, via InSerbia March 24, 1999 was a day of gross shame and ignominy in the historical annals of Britain and America. It was the day...

Capitalism Reduced Indonesian Cities to Infested Carcases

From Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Samarinda and Pontianak, text and photos: Andre Vltchek Several years ago, a prominent Indonesian businessman who now resides in Canada, insisted on meeting me in...

Requiem for the Suicided: Dr David Kelly

Famed microbiologist and UN weapons inspector Dr. David Kelly became the centre of a dispute between the BBC and the UK government over claims that the government had “sexed...

The Myth of the Given

by Vladimir Golstein One of the problems of dealing with establishment, politicians, mass media and their pundits, is that they start with some phony certainties: Serbs committed genocide; Russians...

Newly Declassified Documents show Gorbachev WAS Told NATO Wouldn't expand eastward

by Dave Majumdar at the National Interest Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was given a host of assurances that the NATO alliance would not expand past what was then the...