Much has been written in the alternative press over the past year about the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians and its other war crimes in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, etc....
The following article is taken from a revised version (Sept 2024) of the author’s open-access book Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Resisting the New World Order (2022). It comprises the...
It can be a strange feeling, at times, to be putting forward an understanding of the world that differs so radically from that generally accepted by my contemporaries. Recently...
With lilacs in the dooryard blooming a week ago, I was struck by a sense of synchronicity so strong that I stood stone still and sniffed the air for...
The modern food system is being shaped by the capitalist imperative for profit. Aside from losing their land to global investors and big agribusiness concerns, people are being sickened...
When the restrictions under which we lived for two years were largely revoked in March 2022, the Great Reset of Western capitalism that was initiated in September 2019 was...
How do you introduce conspiracy reality to young learners in an age-appropriate way? Good question. To help us answer it, today Connor Boyack joins James Corbett once again to...
VN alexander In Martin Amis’ The Zone of Interest (2014), set in a Nazi death camp, the Commander, Paul Doll, has his wife, Hannah, and two daughters living with him in...
Simon Elmer Der Zauberlehrling (1797) is the title of a famous ballad by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a re-telling of an ancient Egyptian myth that was later put to...
Lucy Davies Narcissism and its associated abuse; control, manipulation, greed, exploitation of power, an audacious sense of entitlement to name a few traits, has been the bedrock of our...
JR Leach Today – 3rd of January 2023 – marks Professor JRR Tolkien’s one-hundred and thirty-first birthday. This is strangely significant as ‘131’ is the same age that Bilbo...
With the lifting of the thousands of regulations by which our lives were ruled for two long years there has been an understandable desire to believe that the coronavirus...
CJ Hopkins So, the censorship of my latest book, The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021), continues. has now banned the book...
On the latest Questions for Corbett, Jackie writes in to ask for another book list, so James obliges by going through the reading list for the new Mass Media:...
Edward Curtin In lieu of writing reviews of their own books – with the exception of Walt Whitman, who did that with Leaves of Grass – writers often write introductions or...
Review by Tony Sutton The UK working class lost much sympathy after its stunning rejection of Jeremy Corbyn’s socialist manifesto in last December’s general election. That they chose to...