John & Nisha Whitehead “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and...
John whitehead “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”...
John & Nisha Whitehead “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of...
VN Alexander You may recall that, during the thick of it in 2020-2021, Covidians were immune—no, that’s not the right metaphor—they were allergic to facts. They did not respond well even...
John whitehead “Rule by indefinite emergency edict risks leaving all of us with a shell of a democracy and civil liberties just as hollow.”Justice Neil Gorsuch We have become a...
John & Nisha Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to permanent crisis management: to policing the planet and fighting preventative...
Edward Curtin Something is happening here, But you don’t know what it is, Do you, Mr. Jones? Bob Dylan, Ballad of A Thin Man It’s hard… Life today seems...
Kit Knightly So, the electoral college cast their votes, and they handed Joe Biden the Presidency. The decision was never in any serious doubt. We’ve been over the evidence...
The cause of death for the liberal class, as Chris Hedges tells us, was gullibility. Liberals were foolish enough to believe that they could moderate capitalism. They...
The ongoing and unfolding reactions to the Corona Virus look set to have wide ranging and long-lasting effect on politics, society and economics. The drive to close down all...
John Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices.” Edward R. Murrow We’ve walked a strange and harrowing...
from MintPress News Late last month, the mainstream media took little notice as President Barack Obama extended a 15-year-old national emergency status that enables the U.S. global war on...