We live in an age where image is replacing reality as the common currency in media and politics. Style and narrative have long ago triumphed over substance, and black...
by BlackCatte The Guardian continues to do their admirable best on Ukraine, while completely ignoring new Israeli aggression in Gaza. The masters at GCHQ and Langley are clearly telling...
If you read the Guardian at the moment you will receive the impression that Sepp Blatter’s resignation is one of the biggest triumphs for democracy in the 21st Century,...
by BlackCatte So apparently “thousands of people across the world have joined together in a global movement, protesting against American biotech giant Monsanto.” RT is running this as a...
Are the recent revelations by Seymour Hersh the final truth about Osama Bin Laden's death or just another layer of fog and confusion in the already over-contested, under-documented and...
Post-Snowden, the Graun knows its place and knows better than to visit questions like these. The Graun knows – and tells us – that the only lesson the...
From Media Lens We live in a time when compassionate rhetoric is used as a weapon of state-corporate control. The rhetoric focuses on ethical concerns such as racial, gender...
Or, What the Americans Are Not Being Told Even Democracy Now!, like the PBS, can’t bring itself to tell the American public their army is now training neo-Nazis in...
by BlackCatte Some time over the last few months, while the hated new version was coming out of Beta, a funny thing happened at the Guardian. With almost no...
The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man (Guardian/Faber & Faber, 2014) by Luke Harding is a hack job in the purest sense of the term. Pieced together...
by Vaska In an article on the U.S., UK and Canadian military involvement in Ukraine, The Guardian yet again casually refers to “A growing body of evidence [which] suggests...
BlackCatte Part 2 of our series “Questions you aren’t supposed to ask about ISIS”. Part 1 is here Last summer, quoting either David Cohen, the “US Treasury department’s undersecretary...
by BlackCatte Well the Graun continues on its own bizarre bid to bury its credibility and sink its reputation as a serious outlet. Their article When Tsipras meets Putin:...
by BlackCatte The reframing of recent history is a venerable practice long used by governments and corporations to cover their various acts of monstrosity, greed, duplicity or cowardice, and...
From Media Lens Islamic State’s horrific mass beheading of 21 Coptic Christians last month forced a reluctant UK media system to return to Libya, scene of saturation news coverage...
From Media Lens The corporate media have swiftly moved on from Peter Oborne’s resignation as chief political commentator at the Telegraph and his revelations that the paper had committed...
by BlackCatte …According to the CiF contributor “Mr Russian” the Guardian does a crucial little snip in its translation of an article first published in Russian in the Novaya...
We were emailed yesterday by a reader who told us she had tried several times to post a link on the Guardian to our ongoing reportage of the Kolomoisky...
These comment were censored by the Guardian. Which of the well-publicised CiF “community standards” did they breach? Comments removed from: Fifa’s Sepp Blatter says 2018 World Cup in Russia...
Read full article on Nafeez Ahmed’s website After writing for The Guardian for over a year, my contract was unilaterally terminated because I wrote a piece on Gaza that...