Why the Evidence Mueller Has for the Indicting 13 Russian Nationals is Fraudulent
It's almost a shame that a headline like that won't spark anything more than casual curiosity when you consider the charges Richard Mueller is looking into. The Russian company...
The Blatant Conspiracy behind Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s Assassination
Fifty years ago on June 5 1968, Robert F. Kennedy, younger brother of the murdered president, was shot and killed under circumstances perhaps even more suspicious and bizarre than...
The problem with conspiracy theories…
The official conspiracy theory for 9/11 has led to tremendously harmful effects. Many Americans have forgotten completely what it means to be an American. An ongoing terrorism lottery,...
Pompeo Challenged at Senate Foreign Relations Committee
by Renee Parsons Newly appointed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had every reason to expect that his first official appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would be the...
Open Source Investigation: The War on Cash
Following last nights shutdown of Visa’s payment system across large parts of Europe, we thought this would be good time to revisit the topic of money. Cold hard cash...
persistent issues with commenting or contacting us?
Following our major “problem” last Saturday, when, for unknown reasons, our site was comprehensively disrupted, we are getting reports of issues with commenting and/or contacting us. If you can,...
Venezuelan elections: chavismo still in power, US still belligerent, media still dishonest
by Ricardo Vaz from InvestigAction In a climate of dire economic war/crisis and foreign aggression, Venezuelans took to the polls to elect their president and regional legislative councils. Chavismo...
Saudi Wahabbism Serves Western Imperialism
by Andre Vltchek When the Saudi Crown Prince gave an interview to the Washington Post, declaring that it was actually the West that encouraged his country to spread Wahhabism...
Of Fake News and History Suborned (In War and Peace)
Brief: The gulf dividing established institutions—governments, political parties, academia, the judiciary, legislature, bureaucracies, the national security state, think-tanks, lobby groups, and especially the mainstream media—and those within and across...
ANALYSIS: Signs of Compromise in Yulia Skripal's Statement
by Tony Kevin Tony Kevin’s summary responses to the MoA view that Yulia’s statement is suspect, because it was allegedly written under duress of some kind, and from a...
WATCH: "Russia with Simon Reeve" – BBC Propaganda vs Reality
Independent filmmaker Graham Phillips takes a close look at the BBC program “Russia with Simon Reeve”, revealing the degree of bias – and worse – beneath its benignly smiling...
Globalization the EU and the Road to Serfdom
It might be a good idea to start with some theoretical clarifications. Firstly, nationalism should not be confused with national sovereignty. Nations which are effectively ruled by outside agents...
OffG is partially down for undetermined reasons
This afternoon around 6pm BST the site was compromised in some way. The entire front page vanished and a lot of links and media went down. We’ve managed to...
To Protect and Serve… The Empire
by Phillip Farruggio Writer Eric Zuesse wrote a great new piece ” How Democracy Ended ” seen on a few fine sites. In it he shows how our U.S....
AUMF 2018 and the "forever war" in the Middle East
by Renee Parsons The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on May 16th regarding the authorization of a new Authority for the Use of Military Force 2018 (AUMF)....
Drugs: Threat to World and Factor of US Policy
Oil, weapons and drugs are among the products with the largest turnover in the world. According to the International Energy Agency, the world demand for oil is between 94...
Propornot 2 — Setting Up the Atlantic Council for Lawsuits
by George H. Elias, Donbass Early in 2018, I pulled back the veil Propornot hid behind and disclosed the groups behind the smear site. Propornot is a product of...
Fake news instead of real criticism
by Denis Churilov, Australia There are so many real things Trump should be criticised for, yet the mainstream media keeps making up stuff, producing fake stories and misreporting news...
The U.S. won’t say ‘genocide’ but cares about Armenian democracy?
by Max Parry “Did Armenia just dance its way to revolution?” Mass demonstrations that have shut down Armenia leading to the replacement of its prime minister have queued the...
Special Service's Agent: Attack On Russia is Being Prepared
While the Pentagon accuses Russia of fomenting false fears of a Daesh/ISIS threat in Central Asia – see Sputnik’s article on this — new reports of an American push...