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How the “Grand Chessboard” Led to US Checkmate in Afghanistan
Max Parry Nearly as suspenseful as the Taliban’s meteoric return to power after the final withdrawal of American armed...
9/11 and Afghanistan Post-Mortems: Lessons in Safe Logic
Edward Curtin In the wake of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the 20th anniversary of the mass murders of...
AUDIO: Afghanistan unpacked – the “new” Taliban, ISIS imports and the Chaos strategy
vanessa beeley · Afghanistan unpacked – the "new" Taliban, ISIS imports and the Chaos strategy OffG’s own Kit Knightly...
The War in Afghanistan: The real ‘Crime of the Century’ behind the Opioid Crisis
Max Parry Editor’s Note – This article was written, and submitted to us, before the Taliban’s take-over of Kabul....
Afghanistan: Answering Kit Knightly’s “6 Questions”
Andrew Korybko This article was originally published on One World Press in response to this piece by one of...
6 Questions we NEED to ask about Afghanistan
Kit Knightly
Afghanistan has “fallen”, that’s the line. The Taliban forces have taken the opportunity of US/NATO withdrawal and swept across...
No, Joe Biden is not “ending the war” in Afghanistan.
Kit Knightly
Let's be clear, the US as an Imperial power simply cannot afford to give up Afghanistan. And they won't....
Biden, Afghanistan and Forever Wars
Binoy Kampmark The papers are full of suggestions on what US President Joe Biden should do about his country’s...
US Gov’t stealing a significant part of its own “aid” to Afghanistan
Grigory Trofimchuk Despite the statements of the US President D. Trump on the need for an early withdrawal of...
CIA Info War Succeeds: Afghanistan Occupation Forced To Continue
The neocon dogma pushed onto liberals by never-Trump Republicans did its job. Partisan liberals are parroting the line of...
WATCH: The Afghanistan Papers Are Establishment Whitewash BS
The Afghanistan Papers! The Afghanistan Papers! Everyone is talking about the Afghanistan Papers! These “incredible” documents must be full...
The “Afghanistan Papers”: Deep State narrative management
Kit Knightly
An awful lot of modern "leaks" are no such thing. They are Orwellian exercises in controlling the conversation. And...
Inevitable Withdrawal: The US-Taliban Deal
Binoy Kampmark It took gallons and flagons of blood, but it eventuated, a squeeze of history into a parchment...
Helmand Province: Drug Lab on a Global Scale
John Brennan All the latest news on Afghanistan is about Donald Trump’s peace agreement with Taliban and the possible...
Could Trump’s tricks boost his ratings and settle the Syrian conflict?
Firas Samuri Recently the U.S. President Donald Trump formally launched his 2020 re-election campaign in front of a large...
Reasons to be Cautious About US ‘Withdrawal’ from Afghanistan
James O’Neill The weeks before and since Christmas have seen and acceleration of efforts to achieve a peace settlement...
Getting Out of Afghanistan, Staying Out of Venezuela
David Lindsay As it was always going to do, the war in Afghanistan is culminating in the victory of...
Faint Signs of Hope in Syria and Afghanistan
James O’Neill In March 2003 Iraq was invaded by military forces led by the United States, and including other...
After Afghanistan: Preaching What We Practise
David Lindsay “A tribal problem.” Thus did the Chief of the Defence Staff describe the “Taliban” on the Today...
Afghanistan War Crimes Probe A Sham and Cover-up For US
by Finian Cunningham, via Information Clearing House When The Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC) announced it was planning to...