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Waltzing With Bayer
Aruna Rodrigues
In 2005, I was lead claimant in an antiGMO Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was filed with the Indian Supreme...
How GMOs will destroy Indian agriculture
Aruna Rodrigues Hybrid Bt cotton, the only commercialised GM crop in India, has failed conclusively. Based on this failure...
Resisting Genetically Mutilated Food & the Eco-Modern Nightmare: Together, ‘Just You and Me’
Colin Todhunter This image is symbolic of everything that is wrong with modern society. A gas leak from Union...
India’s GM Mustard: An Increasingly Bitter Taste
Colin Todhunter In a fair world, Aruna Rodrigues would be heralded as an incredible individual for her ongoing struggle...
India’s Farmers Reject GMOs – Global Public Don’t Want GM Food
Colin Todhunter Many scientists lobbying for the deregulation of agricultural biotechnology ‘new genomic techniques’ (NGTs) in the European Union...
The Unseen Environmental Crises Destroying Humanity
Ryan Matters
In part 1 of this series, we looked at a recent Rockefeller policy document calling for transformative change in...
An Inconvenient Truth: The Peasant Food Web Feeds the World
Colin Todhunter In October 2020, CropLife International said that its new strategic partnership with the United Nations Food and...
The Agriculture Cartel: Cotton, Concentration Camps and Conspiracies
Ryan Matters In part 1 of this 3-part series (“The True Cost of Rockefeller Agriculture and the New Food...
The True Cost of Rockefeller Agriculture & the New Food Agenda
Ryan Matters Shortly after World World Two, The Rockefeller Foundation set forth on a quest to bring about a...
Saving Capitalism or Saving the Planet?
Colin Todhunter The UK government’s Behavioural Insights Team helped to push the public towards accepting the COVID narrative, restrictions...
Bill Gates and the Uncertain Future of Food Security
Dustin Broadbery As we approach a winter of discontent and Global food systems go from bad to worse, there’s...
Smashing the Heads of Farmers: A Global Struggle Against Tyranny
Colin Todhunter According to Reuters, more than 500,000 farmers attended a rally in the city of Muzaffarnagar in the...
A Message to the EU: Address the Real Public Health Crisis by Banning Glyphosate
Colin Todhunter & Rosemary Mason The herbicide glyphosate – the most widely used herbicide on the planet – is...
Science, Salvation and Heretics: From Monsanto to Pfizer it’s the same old playbook
Colin Todhunter Why are numerous ‘independent alternative’ media outlets and writers not questioning the COVID-19 vaccine rollout? If anything,...
Gates Unhinged: Dystopian Vision for the Future of Food
Colin Todhunter We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agrifood chain. The...
Four Words Gates and His Pals Despise: Democracy & Minimum Support Price
Colin Todhunter The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and an assortment of high-profile figures and policymakers are pushing for...
Indian Farmers on the Frontline Against Global Capitalism
Colin Todhunter In the above short video on the YouTube channel, a protesting farmer camped near Delhi says...
GM Cotton in India is a template for ‘monumental irreversible catastrophe’
Cotton is the only genetically modified (GM) crop that has been officially approved in India and has been cultivated...
From Cotton to Brinjal: Fraudulent GMO Project in India Sustained by Deception
Colin Todhunter Insecticidal Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton is the first and only GM (genetically modified) crop that has been...
GM Crops: Experts Debunk Claims of Success
Colin Todhunter On 6 July 2020, an article extolling the benefits of genetically modified (GM) crops appeared on the...