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“Is free-speech really worth all this hassle?” – Gaby Hinsliff
Kit Knightly
I’ve never written a response to a Gaby Hinsliff column before. I’ve never felt the need. In much the...
CNN using intentionally misleading headlines (again)
This is CNN’s latest article on the all ways Trump is allegedly linked to Russia, Russian spies and Vladimir...
What’s the End Game: hype and hysteria surrounding the "Muslim Ban"
Kit Knightly They’re calling it the “Muslim Ban”, that’s the headline attention-grabber. It has its own twitter hashtag too....
Just Back From Syria, Rep. Gabbard Brings Message: 'There Are No Moderate Rebels'
by Susan Jones from Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) meets with Syrian religious leaders in Aleppo, led by Archbishop...
The Entire World is "Fake News"
by Andre Vltchek Imperialist demagogues, as well as religious fanatics, are known to live in their grotesque realities. They...
The Beatification of Barack Obama
As the eight-year term of America's first black President draws to a close, the media are already in the...
Neo-Liberal paranoia is extreme, and it is everywhere
I consider Nick Cohen an unpleasant man. His columns are smug, rude, ill-informed, intellectually dishonest, hypocritical and self-righteous. A...
Georgia Sec. of State claims DHS hacks his office during elections
Brian Kemp, the secretary of State for Georgia, has joined his voice to the choir of American political figures...
How far will they go to avoid a President Trump?
by Kit Overturning or ignoring Trumps victory poses a very real risk of massive riots and civic unrest. Would...
U.S. ‘News’ Media & Intel Agencies Blame Moscow for Trump’s Election
by Eric Zuesse On November 30th, Buzzfeed bannered “Intel Officials Believe Russia Spreads Fake News”. Their ‘reporter’ (that is,...
Globalization: The Endgame
by Frank The Federal Reserve Board’s decision to implement a rise in interest rates this month is widely expected....
Why should cyclists and homeowners have to pay the price for ‘safety’ on a daily basis?
New research says up to 70% of British cyclists have taken steps in their everyday lives to guard against...
Donald Trump won the election…so what now?
In the wake of the shocking result of the presidential election, we take a look at the some key...
VIDEO: CNN cuts Congressman off 3 seconds after he mentions Wikileaks
Poor CNN seem to be having more technical problems. Here we see Congressman Chris Collins having the satellite feed...
RT and Wikileaks – coordinated effort to silence alt. news sources?
In a slow-developing situation, the last few days has seen the two of the most high-profile anti-establishment media voices...
"Remember the Mason!" – US attacks Houthis in Yemen
Four days ago, after reports that Saudi Arabia had bombed a funeral in Yemen killing...
Is Andrew Mitchell MP really suggesting we start WWIII?
The House of Commons is set to have an “emergency debate” on the declaration of a no-fly zone over...
Guardian sells space to war-profiteers to promote war
It has come to the point where, if the "Our Partners" section of an organization with a vaguely benign-sounding...
Syria Bombing Exposes Cracks in American Facade
Yesterday, the USA committed what is - essentially - an act of war against the legitimate...
Why are these oligarchs so concerned about African "corruption"?
Anton Du Plessis, of the ISS in South Africa, writes that "we" should no longer tolerate corruption in Africa...