latest a complete list of every article on OffG in descending date order
36 MSM Voices Reported Explosions on 9/11
Ted Walter and Graeme MacQueen The widely held belief that the Twin Towers collapsed as a result of the airplane impacts and the resulting fires is, unbeknownst to most...
WATCH: Justice Rising – 9/11 Truth Conference Day 3
BIG PICTURE SUNDAY – The third and final day of the Justice Rising digital conference focuses on the Big Picture. The political fall out of 9/11, the use as...
WATCH: Justice Rising – 9/11 Truth Conference Day 2
SCIENCE SATURDAY – The second of three days of video conferences and talks on the key topics of 9/11 truth focuses on physical evidence, research and scientific papers. Timecodes:...
WATCH: COVID-911 – From Homeland Security to Biosecurity
9/11, as we were told repeatedly in the days, weeks, and months after the attack, was the day that changed everything. And now a new event has come along...
WATCH: Justice Rising – 9/11 Truth Conference Day 1
JUSTICE FRIDAY – The first of three days of video conferences and talks on the key topics of 9/11 truth focuses on current legal challenges and court decisions. Timecodes:...
9 Demolitions and 1 Fire
Questioning the events of 9/11 is key to understanding the geo-political landscape of the 21st century. Just as you cannot understand the Vietnam war, or the presidencies of either...
Contrived Spectacles of “Protecting and Caring for the People”
Thomas Harrington The 1970s marked an important turning point in the history of Western democracies. Having led their populations to the obscene carnage of World War II in reaction...
My daughter was “positive” for Covid…without ever being tested
Helen Ilitha My middle child has always struggled with lung issues. She is prone to asthma incidents and attacks after a triggering event. Such an event would be if...
From Terrorists to Viruses: Dystopian Progress
Edward Curtin For anyone old enough to have been alive and aware of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and of so-called COVID-19 in 2020, memory may serve to...
9/11 in the “New Normal”
Catte Black This 9/11 I think the most important thing is to recognise the continuum between that ‘catalyzing event’ and the one we are currently living through. Just as...
16th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival
The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance presents the 16th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival Thursday, September 10, 2020, noon to 8:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time 2020 is an unusual...
Flu is killing more people than Covid19, and has been for months
The numbers speak for themselves. The "danger" - such as it ever was - is over. The curve has been flattened, the hospitals protected, the hands well and...
Assange: Ask not for whom the bell tolls
Philip Roddis I began a recent post with this assertion: The western world is inhabited by those who know we are ruled by sociopaths … and that much larger group which,...
COVID19 Scamdemic – Part 2
Iain Davis DISCLAIMER: I am not medically qualified and this article is in no way intended as medical advice. If you feel ill you should seek a professional medical...
WATCH: 9/11 Truth on the 19th Anniversary
Richard Gage of joins James to discuss the various actions, inquests, studies, documentaries and conferences that are happening around the 19th anniversary of 9/11. OffGuardian is also planning...
Social media fact-checking, brought to you by the Deep State
Almost four years of mainstream media hype about “fake news” and “Russian meddling” propaganda has brought to the world exactly what they were intended to bring: an effective mechanism...
REVIEW: The people need to take back control
Tony Sutton A review of The Sport & Prey of Capitalists: How the Rich Are Stealing Canada’s Public Wealth, by Linda McQuaig. Published by Dundurn It’s painful to recount...
Fabricating a Pandemic – Who Could Organize It and Why
In recent years, what we call the Free World maintains its way of life simply by going deeper and deeper into debt. This situation cannot continue indefinitely, and very...
Australian Govt’s OWN WEBSITE admits Covid tests are totally unreliable
David James Imagine going to a doctor suspecting you may have a serious illness and being told that there are 2 tests available. With the first test, a swab,...
The Covid-spreading farts of death
Tony Sutton August 18, 2020 10 am Before the Covid-19 smackdown, coffee was a mid-morning ritual. Jools and I would drive to our local cafe, order coffee, chat to...