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Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

Back in the 1960s, the CIA official Cord Meyer said the agency needed to “court the compatible left.” He knew that drawing liberals and leftists into the CIA’s...

The Four Horsemen Cometh

Frank Lee “Aftermath” is the latest addition to three previous publications by Rickards, Currency Wars (2011), The Death of Money (2014), The Road to Ruin (2016). Together, with the...

GMOs: Magic Seeds and Broken Promises

Colin Todhunter Political posturing aligned with commercial interests means that truth is becoming a casualty in the debate about genetically modified (GM) crops in India. The industry narrative surrounding...

Inevitable Withdrawal: The US-Taliban Deal

Binoy Kampmark It took gallons and flagons of blood, but it eventuated, a squeeze of history into a parchment of possibility: the Taliban eventually pushed the sole superpower on...

An Open Letter to Pearl Clutchers re No-Deal Brexit

Catte Black Dear Pearl Clutcher, I know you’re very preoccupied panic-buying essential drugs and spare body bags (for when some of your family members inevitably die following a no-deal...

Last Night in the House…

Philip Roddis I enjoy schadenfreude as much as the next guy and for the millions of us who detest Boris, last night brought the stuff in spades. I was...

Brexit ‘crisis’: political theatre & the demonizing of democracy

Catte Black We already know democracy is currently a sham. A lip-service. And nowhere more so than within the EU. Time and again this has been revealed. EU referenda...

The Future of the Spectacle

If you want a vision of the future, don’t imagine “a boot stamping on a human face — for ever,” as Orwell suggested in 1984. Instead, imagine that human...

Helmand Province: Drug Lab on a Global Scale

John Brennan All the latest news on Afghanistan is about Donald Trump’s peace agreement with Taliban and the possible end of America’s longest war. However, it is happening against...

America’s Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg

Eric Zuesse The Democratic Presidential candidates who have been the most backed by billionaires have not been doing well in the polling thus far, and this fact greatly disturbs...

A Do Nothing Anti-Labor Day: A Modest Proposal

Edward Curtin In a country with a Mount Rushmore that celebrates the ruthless and frenetic westward expansion, it might be a bit naïve to suggest a Do Nothing Day....

‘We are waiting for war’: Lebanese say Israel has gone too far

Andre Vltchek After the recent Israeli attacks against Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, the Middle East has found itself in the midst of undeclared war. Almost everyone in Lebanon appears...

The Great Fire of London – Cui Bono?

It is now 353 years since the Great Fire of London, a fire that caused the destruction of 436 acres of London including 13,200 houses, 87 parish churches (out...

Hollywood reboots Russophobia for the New Cold War

​It is an age-old question as to the extent art reflects the world we live in. Bertolt Brecht allegedly said to the contrary that art was “not a mirror...

Fifty Shades of Epstein

I’m not saying that people who read 50 Shades of Grey or similar books want to be sexually abused in real life. It’s just a fantasy. The romance genre...

All Three Parties Are So Racist That Their Conferences Ought To Be Cancelled

David Lindsay You do not have to like Jack Letts to be extremely concerned when politicians start revoking people’s citizenship. If you would merely qualify for another nationality, whether...

Unhinged before the Fall: Boris Johnson, Parliament and Brexit

Binoy Kampmark The Brexit no deal prospect is engendering an element of lunacy fast seeping into every pore of the British political establishment.  As with all steeped in such...

Israel has attacked Lebanon and Syria – so what?

Andre Vltchek On August 25th, 2019, Israel attacked Lebanon. It has done it again. Just as it attacked Syria, the same night. RT reported the same day: Israeli drone...

Discuss: Johnson Prorogues Parliament

A past-master at seeming to discredit his position through association with his cartoonish buffoonery, Boris has taken it one step further: He’s just shut down Parliament. Why has he...

Blowing smoke over the Amazon – a strange story

Catte Black My original article about the media presentation of the 2019 Amazon Rain Forest burning season produced a good deal more controversy than any of us anticipated. I...