latest a complete list of every article on OffG in descending date order

The Hitlerization of Jeremy Corbyn (Among Others)

CJ Hopkins Every time you think the corporatocracy’s manufactured anti-Semitism hysteria cannot possibly get more absurd, they somehow manage to outdo themselves. OK, stay with me now, because this...

WATCH: US economist urges covert violence to provoke war with Iran

Many believe war with the Islamic Republic of Iran has been the dream of some hardcore neocons in Washington since at least 2001. Back in 2012 former employee of...

Ivan Golunov vs. Julian Assange: A Quest for Journalistic Solidarity

Denis Churilov A Russian investigative journalist, Ivan Golunov, who has been writing primarily about corruption within the government, got arrested earlier this month on drug charges in Moscow. The...

Discuss: Tankers “Attacked” in Gulf of Oman

It's being reported that two tankers have been "attacked" in the Gulf of Oman. As yet, the reported "attack" is purely theoretical, media releases are just photographs of tankers...

In Conversation: Yevgenia Albats at ANU

Tony Kevin I had the pleasure of hearing Yevgenia Markovna Arbats, Russian independent journalist, political scientist, radio host, and chief editor of the Moscow-based New Times magazine, in public...

Orwell Prize: Who Made the Cut

The Orwell Foundation has announced the shortlist for the 2019 Orwell Journalism Prize, we thought it would be interesting to simply list the nominees and some examples of their...

Ukraine: Far Right Parties Unite for Parliamentary Elections

Avis Krane, via Essence of Time Six ultra-right and extremist organizations have formed an alliance led by Ukrainian nationalist Svoboda party leader Oleg Tyagnibok, the Svoboda party’s press service...

WATCH: The Plot Against Harold Wilson

In 2006, to mark the 30th anniversary of Harold Wilson's retirement, the BBC released "The Plot Against Harold Wilson". It details how, throughout Wilson leadership, MI5 and the CIA...

The Censorship of Social Media: A Facebook Experience

Paula Densnow A quick Google search of “social media fake news” brought up thousands of hits, and, as I expected, they seemed to be dated from 2016 to today.  I...

The Miners’ Strike: Renewed Class Struggle in Chiatura, Georgia

Sopiko Japaridze via Transnational Social Strike Platform Over 3,000 workers in the manganese mining town of Chiatura (Georgia) started a wildcat strike 15 days ago in spite of the...

Pompeo’s promise to intervene against Corbyn should surprise no one

Catte Black The alt media-verse is currently on fire with the news that the US State Dept’s answer to Al Capone, Mike Pompeo, has been caught promising “Jewish leaders”...

WATCH: Victim of the World Wildlife Fund

ZEMBLA discovers that WWF promotes birth control programs that include contraception and even sterilization for men and women. The fight against poachers is getting grimmer all the time. ZEMBLA...

The Force that is Ending Freedom

Every empire is a dictatorship. No nation can be a democracy that’s either heading an empire, or a vassal-state of one. Obviously, in order to be a vassal-state within...

This Outlaw Power

Christopher Black On June 4th the Chinese government issued a travel alert for Chinese tourists thinking of visiting the United States, a day after it issued a similar advisory...

If Congress has no Mojo to Govern, let’s make it a Part Time Job

Renee Parsons If the American public needs any further evidence that the US Congress is unable to function as an operating legislative branch of the Federal government in the...

From Glyphosate to Front Groups: Fraud, Deception and Toxic Tactics

Environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason has just written to the Editor-in-Chief of the British Medical Journal and the British Medical Association Council Chairman, Chaand Nagpaul.

EU Elections are Proof of Europe’s Decay

Andre Vltchek Europe, an “old” colonialist continent, is decaying, and in some places even collapsing. It senses how bad things are going. But it never thinks that it is...

The Neoliberal Disaster of US Healthcare

Imagine if a political party in the UK included in its manifesto a pledge to increase public spending on the NHS by 55%! Such a pledge would be...

The Quds Day Panic of 2019

CJ Hopkins So it appears we managed to survive another terrifying Quds Day in Berlin. It was certainly touch-and-go there for a while, what with the media issuing hysterical...

YouTube’s Latest Purge

YouTube has just announced they have changed their “community standards” to combat “extremist content” on their platform. This is just the latest step in the war against free speech...