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What “community standards” did this comment breach? #18
The following comment – posted to twitter by Craig Murray – was censored by The Guardian. Which of the well-publicised CiF “community standards” did they breach? Removed comment, posted...
The Year of the Pig is here…literally
Andre Vltchek Gong Xi Fa Cai: happy year of the Pig 2019! Congratulations, the Year of the Pig has arrived! According to the Chinese astrology, 2019 is a great...
What Has The Monarchy Ever Done For Its Supporters?
David Lindsay Following the decision not to charge Prince Philip, am I a republican yet? I really do not want to be. They are usually the people who want...
Labour Splitters: Getting the Bland Back Together
As of this morning, seven MPs have officially resigned the whip and quit the Labour Party. They are now "independent", apparently. Their names, if you don't know already: Chris...
How America’s Dictatorship Works
This is how America’s dictatorship works. This is not America’s exceptionalism: it is America’s ordinariness. America’s Founders had wanted to produce something not just exceptional but unique in its...
Ukraine: NATO in the Constitution
Manlio Dinucci The day after the signature of NATO’s membership protocol with North Macedonia as its 30th member, Ukraine did something without precedent: it included in its Constitution the...
A Taxing Question: Re-reading Piketty
This book by Thomas Piketty was first published in 2014 and became an instant best seller. It had taken the author some 15 years to research and complete, and...
No More Bullshit: Jimmy Breslin and Pete Hamill
Edward Curtin Growing up Irish-Catholic in the Bronx in the 1960s, I was an avid reader of the powerful columns of Jimmy Breslin and Pete Hamill in the New...
The US Must Be Stopped in Venezuela
Andre Vltchek Enough is enough! There have been plenty of empty talk and peace conferences, more than enough of begging: “Please, West, stop murdering people, stop your genocides, stop...
Lyndon LaRouche Is Dead, But We Are Alive
David Lindsay Lyndon LaRouche is dead. At least at one time, LaRouche believed that the Queen was a drug dealer, and that Henry Kissinger had been a Soviet agent...
Hands Off Venezuela, Canada and US Go Home!
What is happening to Venezuela is a coup d'état and it has nothing to do with democracy, human rights, free and fair elections or international law. The US...
More than Cognitive Dissonance
James O’Neill The dilemmas in Canberra go beyond the respective roles of the American alliance and the China trade. They point to a failure to grasp historical reality and...
Making Globalism Great Again
CJ Hopkins Maybe Donald Trump isn’t as stupid as I thought. I’d hate to have to admit that publicly, but it does kind of seem like he has put...
Trump buys Lithuania, EU cannot stop it
Adomas Abromaitis The US President Donald Trump is no doubt a successful businessman who rules his country as if it is a huge enterprise. And this kind of management,...
10 reasons the Gilets Jaunes are the real deal
Ontological security, everybody needs it, but right now it’s in short supply especially in big metropolitan cities. No wonder people are confused and afraid, walking backwards into the future,...
The Peaceful Revolution
Eddison Flame How can we fight back against people who control a vast military, financial, information, and surveillance machine? Fiona Jenkins, via Off-Guardian The problem is even worse than...
What the Press Hides From You About Venezuela
Eric Zuesse INTRODUCTION This news-report is being submitted to all US and allied news-media, and is being published by all honest ones, in order to inform you of crucial...
Oil, Agriculture and Imperialism: Averting the Fast-Track to Armageddon?
US global hegemony depends on Washington maintaining the dollar’s leading role. Engaging in petrodollar recycling and treasury-bond ‘super-imperialism’ are joined at the hip
The Real Left, Phony Left and What’s Left
Philip Farruggio Cutting to the chase, if you consider yourself to be ‘On the Left’ then you have to be a Socialist. Period! Now, there are many different levels...
How Chrystia Freeland Organized Donald Trump’s Coup in Venezuela
Eric Zuesse On Monday, February 5th, Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland announced that the 14 countries of the Lima Group have now been joined (though she didn’t say to...