latest a complete list of every article on OffG in descending date order
Obama v. Trump: How the New York Times Lies About Lies
Eric Zuesse Although the New York Times says that President Donald Trump lies vastly more than did President Barack Obama, the definite liar in that comparison — based on the factual...
Confession of a Putin-Nazi Denialist
CJ Hopkins, The Consent Factory Last week, I published an inappropriate and deeply offensive satirical essay, for which I would now like to repeatedly apologize. The offensive satirical essay...
The Parallel Universe of BBC Panorama
The folks at Panorama LOVE Putin, or at least love to hate him. In the last two years there have been no less than five (five!) episodes devoted to...
WATCH: Aleppo – Earthquake
This documentary covers the destruction and chaos of besieged and occupied Aleppo, from the time conflict first came to the city in 2012, all the way through to final...
The West’s real interest in Chechnya isn’t gay rights
The start of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia has seen Western media step up its anti-Russia fervor more than ever. Already we are hearing wild exaggerations of...
WATCH: Janette McKinlay, 9/11 Survivor at Ground Zero
Janette McKinley lived just a few blocks from the World Trade Center complex in NYC. When the towers collapsed on September 11 2001 the windows of her apartment were...
Pro-GMO Activism and Smears Masquerade as Journalism
by Colin Todhunter & Aruna Rodrigues at Asia Pacific News The Print is a Delhi-based, online news magazine that began operations in August 2017. On 9 June, it published...
Peace is a cliché: When the West cannot control the world unopposed, it means war
Andre Vltchek Dedicated to my friend, a philosopher, John Cobb Jr The West likes to think of itself as a truly “peace-loving part of the world”. But is it?...
‘Exorbitant Privilege’ Under Siege
Frank Lee It was the French politician Valery Giscard D’Estaing who first coined the phrase ‘Exorbitant Privilege’ – a reference to the many advantages enjoyed by the US ownership...
WATCH: cold fusion, pathological science or suppressed miracle?
In this 1998 interview, MIT science writer Eugene Mallove discusses what he alleges was an intentional bid by vested interests to bury the genuine and revolutionary discovery of cold...
Joining some dots on the Skripal case: Part 1: An Official Story That Doesn’t Hold Water
I have asked a lot of questions in relation to the Skripal case and many, if not most, are still unanswered. However, I want in this piece to go...
OffG site renovation
OffG is in the throes of being re-coded and updated, so there may be some glitches and temporary downtimes over the next few weeks. This especially applies to the...
Public Barred from NDAA Senate Committee Markup
Renee Parsons It appears to have been no coincidence that when President John F. Kennedy’s spoke to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27,1961, ten days after the...
WATCH: Aspartame Sweet Misery
This documentary describes the alleged toxicity of the artificial sweetener known as aspartame and the questionable methods employed in order to secure FDA approval The mainstream view remains that...
Australia needs an urgent reappraisal of its place in a changing world
James O’Neill It seems likely that the Australian House and Senate will pass the governments legislative proposals, ostensibly aimed at alleged foreign interference in Australia’s electoral process. Despite denials...
New Study on Rising Suicide Rates in the US Suggests Capitalism Is Quite Literally Killing Americans
by Grit Post Editorial Board, June 11, 2018 A study released late last week showed that suicide rates have risen significantly across the country. The culprit appears to be...
America’s Genocide in Yemen Starts Tuesday
by Eric Zuesse The Houthis in Yemen are expected to start being slaughtered en-masse on June 12th. The U.S.-Saudi-UAE plan is to destroy the Yemenese port city of Al...
Anthony Bourdain’s State Department Smorgasbord
by Lorenzo, June 10, 2018 Anthony Bourdain’s suicide in June 2018 will cement his reputation as a progressive celebrity with a unique acumen for explaining the world to his...
AUDIO: Academic Propaganda Protecting US Financial Imperialism
Australia’s Renegade Economists radio show interviews US economist Michael Hudson (June 7, 2018). Prof Michael Hudson joins to review his critique of US financial imperialism in light of recent...
Ronan Tynan kicks off World Cup anti-Russia campaign by implying US war crimes work of Putin
The big push to derail and/or exploit the Russian world cup for political gain has been unofficially launched today, with a gasp-inducing piece of misdirection by Ronan L Tynan...