latest a complete list of every article on OffG in descending date order
Comment Set Free: the Mueller indictment
There are three stories about the Justice Department’s Internet Research Agency indictment headlining at the Guardian right now, and, at the point of writing, none of them are open...
Olympic Games Make US Regime Paranoid and Unpredictable
Despite all the efforts of a paranoid and unpredictable US regime, the Koreans are making peace not war during the 2018 Winter Olympics. The US is furious and pulling...
sideshows & distractions while the zombie media cheer & US start killing Russians in Syria
Whether “mercenaries” or “special forces”, whether “only four” or “hundreds”, it’s incredibly dangerous that the illegal US Syria occupation force is killing Russians
WATCH: Former UK ambassador to Syria on how imperialism is being redefined as a liberal ideal
Peter Ford, former ambassador to Syria (2003-6) speaking at the “Imperialism on Trial” symposium in Derry, Ireland. He describes the weasel words and manipulative language used to redefine old...
WATCH: the Dutch Foreign Minister in 2016 lying about Putin to inflame fears of Russian invasion
Halbe Zijlstra, Dutch Foreign Minister has confessed he has been lying for some time about an alleged personal encounter with Vladimir Putin – which, it turns out never actually...
The Washington Post’s Shoddy Defense of the Russiagate Investigation
Clearly, the Washington Post, from the top on down, is propaganda. Their ‘news’ is heavily colored because that’s what the owner requires; it’s one reason why reporters are hired...
Trump’s ‘America First’ meets China’s ‘community of common destiny’
Just as President Donald Trump has reached back into U.S. history to draw inspiration for his “America First” policy from President Andrew Jackson’s mid-19th century populism, so too is...
"Russian Hacking", a dangerous delusion
by Kit The Guardian published this short opinion piece today, its headline reads: America lost a cyberwar to Russia in 2016. When will we have truth? Refuting the stale...
Comment set Free: “The epic failure of our age, how the west let down Syria"
Technically speaking this latest of our ‘comment set free’ pieces was open for comment on the Guardian. But since it was only open for two hours and since the...
WATCH: The White Helmets are a propaganda construct
Founded by a UK mercenary, funded by NATO and EU governments, promoted by a complacent media too hubristic or too atrophied to recognise what they are being paid to...
Vladimir Putin & other presidential candidates release income details 2011-2016
The Central Election Commission for the Russian Federation has released the declared income for all the presidential candidates in the 2018 election This hasn’t been widely reported in the...
Comment set Free on: “the Guardian View on Syria: the suffering grows and the world turns away"
Once again, the Guardian has a major article on Syria that isn’t open for comments BTL, and once again we are opening comments here instead on: “the Guardian View...
Denying the Obvious: Leftists and Crimestop
And thus the U.S. left leadership sits in the left chamber of the hall of mirrors, complaining about conspiracy theories while closing its eyes to actual conspiracies crucial to...
BOOK REVIEW: Russia against the rest: the post-cold war crisis of world order
Frank Lee reviews Russia against the rest: the post-cold war crisis of world order by Richard Sakwa Cambridge University Press Chatham House London October 2017 This publication by the...
Guardian's "Putin stealing election” shows new wave of Russia-hate being rolled out
The sheer wanton deception, the outright, blunt and brutal propagandising is getting worse. It’s attaining new heights of spittle-flying hate. And in concert the war drums are beating again...
The World is Burning, while Western Left is Quarreling
by Andre Vltchek It really is a shame, and it is tiring, but it is actually nothing new: there is now total disarray amongst those countless ‘progressive’ and ‘semi-left’...
Comment Set Free: “Russia wants to hack the Oscars”
In this our second go at opening comments on a Guardian article that doesn’t allow them, we are inviting your responses to “Russia wants to hack the Oscars:smear campaign...
The Defining Year Was 1991: The Demise of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union
by Marcus Papadopoulos, via Global Research Whilst there are no golden ages, it is abundantly clear that the world today is in a very unhealthy state. From Eastern Europe...
Guardian alleges Youtube algorithm bias in favour of Trump & “conspiracy theories”
On February 1 the Guardian ran two pieces on alleged pro-Trump, pro-conspiracy, anti-government bias in Youtube’s “up next” algorithm. The first – “Fiction is outperforming reality’: how YouTube’s algorithm...
Bought Journalists: English translation of postscript to Udo Ulfkotte’s suppressed book
Udo Ulfkotte’s book “Bought Journalists” (Gekaufte Journalisten) was scheduled for publication in English in May 2017 under the title “Journalists for Hire”. However it seems the publication was delayed...