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Why the Neocons Hate Russia (even more than they hate everyone else)
Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Neoconservatism started in 1953 with Henry “Scoop” Jackson, the Democratic Party U.S. Senator from...
America’s latest witch-hunt
The current Maria Butina indictment in the US reminds one of Voltaire’s famous saying:...
Trump’s Treasonous Traitor Summit or: How Liberals Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the New McCarthyism
So it appears America and democracy have miraculously survived the dreaded Trump-Putin summit … or Trump’s meeting with his...
Helsinki Summit: Trump and Putin Respond to Mueller Indictments
Eric Zuesse In the July 16th joint press conference between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin,...
Open Thread: Trump-Putin Summit and Mounting Hysteria
Yesterday, Trump and Putin met for a summit in Helsinki. The resulting hysteria, all throughout the mainstream media and...
The View of Russia in the West
Paul Craig Roberts The upcoming Trump/Putin summit is hampered by the crazed portrait of Russia painted by presstitutes. Jonathan...
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 5 – An Educated Guess
Rob Slane, the Blogmire I want in this piece to start joining some dots together on this case, using...
Open Thread: The Amesbury Couple and the Reborn Novichok Saga
1. Are we supposed to believe that this "novichok" incident is directly related to the alleged poisoning of the...
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 4 – The Dodgy Dossier
Rob Slane So far in this series of pieces, I have attempted to demonstrate why I believe the official...
Who is Fancy Bear and Who Are They Working for?
by George Eliason, Donbass Just one other thing…. Have you heard of Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear? Of course,...
Confession of a Putin-Nazi Denialist
CJ Hopkins, The Consent Factory Last week, I published an inappropriate and deeply offensive satirical essay, for which I...
The Parallel Universe of BBC Panorama
The folks at Panorama LOVE Putin, or at least love to hate him. In the last two years there...
The West’s real interest in Chechnya isn’t gay rights
The start of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia has seen Western media step up its anti-Russia fervor...
How the West continues to fatally misunderstand Russia & Putin
Let me focus now on what has sadly become over the past few years my main area of expertise,...
Why the Evidence Mueller Has for the Indicting 13 Russian Nationals is Fraudulent
It's almost a shame that a headline like that won't spark anything more than casual curiosity when you consider...
MH17: "New evidence", same issues
Nearly four years since the incident, and over two years since they last reported any progress, the MH17 Joint...
Whose words was Yulia reading?
Yulia Skripal’s surprise video statement and walkabout yesterday has, as usual in this case, raised more questions than it...
Special Service's Agent: Attack On Russia is Being Prepared
While the Pentagon accuses Russia of fomenting false fears of a Daesh/ISIS threat in Central Asia – see Sputnik’s...
What Would Sherlock Holmes Have Made of the Government’s Explanation of the Case of Sergei and Yulia Skripal?
by Rob Slane from The Blogmire In an article on 3rd May, the Guardian journalist, Luke Harding, made the...
The Russian V-Day Story (Or the History of World War II Not Often Heard in the West)
by Michael Jabara Carley, via Strategic Culture Every May 9th the Russian Federation celebrates its most important national holiday, Victory...