In this analysis we examine Libya’s recent history looking through the eyes of the Guardian, the flagship of liberal western outlets, and its reporting. As with most other western...
by John Pilger On the day President Trump is inaugurated, thousands of writers in the United States will express their indignation. “In order for us to heal and move...
by Andre Vltchek Imperialist demagogues, as well as religious fanatics, are known to live in their grotesque realities. They erect huge sand castles, invent mascots, and bombard the public...
by David William Pear The main stream propaganda media has been on an anti-Putin, anti-Russian propaganda binge for years, and the Guardian is one of the leaders of the...
Screencap from the interview of The Spectator’s deputy editor, Freddie Gray, to RT […] Western mainstream media’s ‘McCarthian’ witch hunt for Russia’s influence on the media shuns objectivity in...
Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone: Last week, a technology reporter for the Washington Post named Craig Timberg ran an incredible story. It has no analog that I can...
Jonathan Cook, “an award-winning British journalist based in Nazareth, Israel”, writes in his eponymous blog: Today the Guardian offers decisive confirmation that it is only too willing to...
by Frank Contemporary politics consists of the usual timeless formula of Machiavelli – rule by force and fraud – but with the current emphasis being on fraud Defenceless villages...
Following our story regarding The Guardian’s coverage of Donald Trump’s interview with Larry King on RT, we feel the need to point out the increased dishonesty on this issue....
As the push for catastrophic intervention in Syria and other acts of equal insanity are being supported with ever more media hysteria, based on ever more dubious, implausible narratives,...
In his presentation for Frome Stop War, Robert Stuart provides an overview of all the many pieces of evidence he has collected that point to the BBC falsifying reports...
In his latest piece on Vladimir Putin, Owen Jones demonstrates the weakness of the politically left-of-centre press in the UK - and indeed the Western world as a whole....
by Mark Taliano We have forgotten that the sanctions preceding the illegal invasion of Iraq intentionally destroyed water treatment centers and directly killed 500,000 children under age five and...
Afshin Rattansi goes underground with John Pilger. Award winning journalist and author, John Pilger talks to us about how Washington, London and Paris gave birth to ISIS-Daesh. Plus we...
Catte Black Interesting to compare Shaun Walker’s sneering piece in today’s Guardian on the foreign volunteers fighting for the”separatists”, with the grotesque and shameful fan write-up the same newspaper...
by Nathaniel Downes (first published on Addicting Info) The 1948 propaganda cartoon film “Make Mine Freedom” viewed almost 70 years on: Unions have been stripped of power, and now...
by Vaska Two German citizens, tired of propaganda in the German media, have decided to visit the “peninsula of terror”. They were to start their bike tour on May...
by Halyna Mokrushyna Mokrushyna analyzes “public awareness” videos currently circulating in the Ukrainian public media space by its producers, TABASCO, a leading advertising agency in Ukraine and Limelite Studio,...