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A Voyage into a Complete Unknown Known
Edward Curtin
“Every time I ask what time it is, I get a different answer” Henny Youngman I don’t know about...
A Bizarre Kind of Executive Action: The Suppression of Epochal Documentaries
Edward Curtin
“The old lie: Dulce et decorum est /Pro patria mori (It is a sweet and fitting thing to die...
WATCH: The Rings of Prime II: Loose Canon
J R Leach
Nothing is sacred anymore. Attacks on tradition and the old ways come from every angle, and some of the...
“The World As It Was”: A Masterly Documentary Film
Edward Curtin
Here’s a film about the 1950s – “The World As It Was” – that will tell you a great...
Gods of Their Own Religion – REVIEW
Joanna Sharp How do free spirits endure a tyrannical technocratic order? Do they succumb to endless rules, or do...
“Peace,War, and 9/11”: A Cinematic Portrait of Graeme MacQueen, A Warrior for Peace
Edward Curtin It is one thing to read a review of this important and compelling film – a tour...
REVIEW: America on the Brink
Elizabeth Woodworth Author of more than 50 books, Dr. David Ray Griffin has been compared to Mahatma Gandhi and...
REVIEW: The Psychology of Totalitarianism
Kevin Ryan Belgian psychologist Mattias Desmet published his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism in June 2022. The book brings attention to...
REVIEW: Science Set Free
Ryan Matters In Science Set Free, Rupert Sheldrake sets out to probe the shaky foundations of materialist science and...
REVIEW: To Vac or Novak That is The Question
Joanna Sharp So what do we do on a weekend evening of the New Normal? ‘To Vac or Novak....
REVIEW: JFK – Destiny Betrayed
Edward Curtin The timing of the early March 2022 release of this digital streaming documentary could not be more...
JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Oliver Stone
Edward Curtin
Two of the greatest speeches ever delivered by an American president bookend this extraordinary documentary film. It opens with...
The War in Afghanistan: The real ‘Crime of the Century’ behind the Opioid Crisis
Max Parry Editor’s Note – This article was written, and submitted to us, before the Taliban’s take-over of Kabul....
The One Ring and the Villain in All of Us
Kit Knightly
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the release of the Fellowship of the Ring, the first part of...
REVIEW: JFK vs. Allen Dulles
Edward Curtin Before I digress slightly, let me state from the outset that the book by Greg Poulgrain that...
Review: Seven
Kevin Ryan The new film Seven (trailer above), directed by Dylan Avery, examines the story of the scientific study of World...
REVIEW: The people need to take back control
Tony Sutton A review of The Sport & Prey of Capitalists: How the Rich Are Stealing Canada’s Public Wealth,...
The Dirty War on the NHS
Philip Roddis I saw this film last night at a one-off screening in Derby. It’s all you’d expect of...
Film review: Sorry We Missed You
Philip Roddis “I never thought it would be this hard”, says Rickie Turner to Abby his wife, holding her...
What’s Joker’s Joke?
Edward Curtin Cause how many times can you wake up in this comic book and plant flowers?” Rodriguez, “Cause”...