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Natural Masking as a Way of Life
Todd Hayen Here I go with the mask thing again, sorry, but a strange thing is happening with this...
Maslow and His Unclimbable Pyramid
Todd Hayen Everyone knows Maslow and his pyramid of needs, right? Don’t feel bad if you don’t; it is...
The Deception of Today’s Push for Diversity
Todd Hayen We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the constitution says, but everyone...
Radical Dismissal
Todd Hayen Here’s another weird thing I think is going on. Like most things I observe, you have probably...
Sacrificing for the Greater Good
Todd Hayen I think many people believe that our society has gotten so complex, with so many people, and...
Getting Away With It
Todd Hayen Any of us who pay even the least bit of attention has been made aware of the...
The Sanctity of Privacy
Todd Hayen I remember as a kid that privacy was pretty important. It really did have a sort of...
Trauma Nation
Todd Hayen We now are all suffering from acute trauma, in a trauma nation. I would venture to say...
The Attack of the Pseudo-Men
Todd Hayen I went to the local mall this weekend and seeing all the pseudo-men and pseudo-women walking around...
Lies, Lies, and More Lies
Todd Hayen I was eight years old when John Kennedy was murdered. I remember getting the call from my...
Have We Lost the Ability to Fall in Love?
Todd Hayen I really need everyone’s input on this one because it does scare me if it is true....
Dr. Richter’s Diabolical Experiment
Todd Hayen Ever heard of Dr. Curt Richter? Neither had I. During the time in the United States where...
The Innocence of the Agenda
Todd Hayen Let’s take a moment to look at the agenda through the loving eyes of the “sheep-types”. In...
So What?
Todd Hayen How many of you out there have experienced this? You are having a conversation with a normie...
Injected Narcissism
Todd Hayen Along with mRNA coursing through our veins (probably not yours and definitely not mine) there is a...
Unbelievable Reality
Todd Hayen We have finally reached a point in the advancement of our technology where we no longer can...
Figuring Out Their Angle
Todd Hayen A federal law was recently passed in Canada called the Online News Act, or Bill C-18. Basically,...
Curiosity Killed the Cat; Satisfaction Brought it Back
Todd Hayen It is simply this: do not tire, never lose interest, never grow indifferent—lose your invaluable curiosity and...
Illusory Guilt
Todd Hayen You are not destroying the planet. You are not a cancer to the earth that must be...
The Metaphysical as a Rational Option
Todd Hayen One thing I believe my bent toward metaphysics has prepared me for is when something that falls...