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Tilting at the Mills in the Empire: Or, Fascism Real and Imaginary
Vladimir Golstein In the real world, fascists come to power when Western democracies imposed unbelievably harsh sanctions on Germany,...
Curious Bedfellows: The Neocon and Progressive Alliance to Destroy Donald Trump
Philip Giraldi, January 14, 2019, via American Herald Tribune The Roman poet Ovid’s masterful epic The Metamorphoses includes the...
NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard
by the George Washington University’s National Security Archive, December 12, 2017 Declassified documents show security assurances against NATO expansion...
The Dallaire Genocide Fax: A Fabrication
by Christopher Black, April 8 2018, via The Rwandan I first wrote this in 2005 and it was published...
Chomsky’s Unearned Prestige
Eric Zuesse A large part of Noam Chomsky’s public image as an intellectual is derived not from his role...
My Interview with Democratic Candidate They Legion
Vladimir Golstein In the heart of the heartland, in Des Moines, Iowa, the Democratic Party has at last found...
Lies and Damned Lies: Australia, the US and the “Syria Withdrawal”
Few of us would claim we never told a lie, but neither that we did so enthusiastically. Just the...
America’s Runaway Bacteria
How Yet Another US Bio-weapon is Getting Rampant in Europe Jean Perier via NEO In my previous articles I’ve...
“The Resistance” & the Gilets Jaunes
Why France’s Yellow Vest protests have been ignored by “The Resistance” in the US Max Parry The rich are...
The Year of Putin-Nazi Paranoia
As my regular readers will probably recall, according to my personal, pseudo-Chinese zodiac, 2017 was “The Year of the...
“We have defeated ISIS in Syria” – Is Trump telling the truth?
Eric Zuesse At 11:52AM on Wednesday, December 19th, CBS News headlined “White House orders Pentagon to pull troops from...
And That’s The Way It Is
The Essential U.S. Journalism Books of 2018 James McEnteer Two very different reporters dig deep beneath the mainstream media...
Bipartisan panel: US must prepare for “horrendous,” “devastating” war with Russia and China
by Andre Damon, 16 November 2018, via WSWS A bipartisan commission appointed by Congress issued a lengthy report Tuesday...
The US Wants to Bring Back the Shah of Iran
The US had a great deal going from 1953 to 1979 with the Shah of Iran. For 25...
UPDATED: Maria Butina Endgame
I wrote in some detail in Off-Guardian on 29 July about the 15 July arrest by the FBI...
USA – The World’s Invasion Nation
Or How Big Brother Grips Americans’ Minds to Support Invasions Eric Zuesse On November 29th, Gallup headlined “Democrats Lead...
The Tale of Two Karls
Vladimir Golstein We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying...
Against the Stream
So, when did the Trente Glorieuses (1945-1975) end, and the great counter-reformation begin exactly? Some would argue when...
Uber-loser Poroshenko goes “full Saakashvili”
by Saker, November 30, 2018, via the Unz Review Petro Poroshenko is in deep trouble. His ratings have been...