American lawmakers are a global force for good, one for which we should all be grateful…according to the Guardian. Too often, according to Jonathan Freedland, the term “self-appointed global...
by TUTISICECREAM The unexceptional account of a discredited inquiry The Guardian’s Book of the Day [here today gone tomorrow?] masquerading as a “True Crime” story, is an attempt to...
by Kit In one of the more bizarre incidents of agenda pushing that I can recall – even by recent Guardian standards – William Shakespeare has been enlisted to...
by Kit You might think that an article that alleges that the Kremlin is masterminding unrest in Europe by supporting right-wing extremism, left-wing extremism, anti-Europe sentiment, anti-refugee sentiment and...
by Seamus Padraig In an article sure to breathe life into the old conspiracy theories about Silicon Valley and the CIA, The Guardian recently reported that: Google has fixed...
Part one of our series investigating the Guardian's "New East Newtork". Notionally a network of "media partners" aiming to "expand coverage" of ex-Soviet states, we take a look inside...
from Seemorerocks It’s an old habit that is difficult to throw off. I have been accustomed, during my life (or at least for the last quarter-centrury) to rely on...
In the first post of a new section, we publish the letter of an (ex-)Guardian reader, detailing the reasons he bid goodbye to his former paper of choice. As...
Jeremy Corbyn won the Labour leadership election. You probably heard. He wasn't supposed to win - he wasn't even supposed to run - but he did it. Not only...
by Kit The Guardian’s coverage of Russia is, famously, rather petty these days. Petty and confusing and full of conflicting assertions from various people with differing sizes of axe...
In a brazen move, designed to ensure that Russia is ruled by Russians, the Duma has passed laws limiting the powers of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to operate inside Russia....
Vladimir Putin is very popular in Russia. This is simply undeniable. He has won three presidential elections in the last 15 years and currently enjoys approval ratings on a...
by Kit The Guardian has launched some new stories about Ukraine again recently, after months and months of saying nothing…because the only people getting shot were getting shot by...
by Kit Today, on the one year anniversary of the downing of MH17, Newscorp unveiled some “shocking new footage” of rebel fighters callously raiding through passengers’ luggage, spilling vodka...
by Bryan Hemming With the shadow of nuclear war looming it becomes even more crucial to focus the spotlight on the way the corporate media reports armed conflicts throughout...
by Bryan Hemming In How the Guardian decides which sources can be deemed trustworthy – a piece oozing with so much self-congratulation you might slip over on it –...
Pocket Vader? On the photo above: Arseniy Pavlov a.k.a. Motorola, a DNR commander, “self-confessed” murderer of exactly 15 Ukrainian POWs. When Luke Harding hyperlinked an outrageously stupid claim about...
by BlackCatte …According to the CiF contributor “Mr Russian” the Guardian does a crucial little snip in its translation of an article first published in Russian in the Novaya...