Iain Davis “Marianna In Conspiracyland” is the 10 part podcast series presented by the BBC’s specialist disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring. As we approach Episode 3, titled...
Iain Davis In this continuing investigation of the BBC’s “Marianna in Conspiracyland” podcast series, we now turn our attention to Episode 2, titled “Down the Rabbit Hole.” I hope...
Iain Davis joins host Jesse Zurawell to discuss the recent Wagner mutiny in Ukraine, “interoperability” and its implications for global digital ID and currency, plans for future of G7,...
iain Davis In Part 1 we explored the reasons why the basis for the BBC’s “Marianna in Conspiracyland” podcast series is fundamentally flawed. Spring claims that her intention is to investigate...
Iain Davis In the introduction to this exposé of “Marianna in Conspiracyland” we discussed the evidence which proves that the BBC is a state broadcaster. It is not “independent,”...
Iain Davis The BBC’s “Marianna in Conspiracyland” podcast series is presented by Marianna Spring, the BBC’s specialist disinformation and social media correspondent. Over the course of 10 podcast episodes,...
David Skripac “COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance.” Yuval Noah Harari, World Economic Forum Using the fake “COVID virus”...
Iain Davis With great fanfare, the BBC has launched BBC Verify. The state broadcaster’s very own, specialist “disinformation and social media correspondent,” Marianna Spring, announced its arrival live on UK...
Regular OffG contributor Iain Davis returns to Perspective this week to talk about what it means to be part of the “alternative media”, widespread failures in covering the “special...
Iain Davis As the coronation of Charlie-boy approaches, the Royal household thought it would be nice to offer the British public the opportunity to swear their allegiance to King Charles III...
Iain Davis So-called conspiracy theories abound, especially among those who attack others by calling them conspiracy theorists. There are official conspiracy theories, such as the government-approved stories about 9/11,...
Iain Davis In Part 1 we noted that “money” is no more than a medium of exchange. If we cooperate in sufficient numbers, we could create an economy based upon...
Iain Davis The world is apparently descending into chaos. With events such as the recent collapse of SVB bank adding to the problems allegedly caused by the pseudopandemic and the war in...
Iain Davis Central bank digital currency (CBDC) will end human freedom. Don’t fall for the assurances of safeguards, the promises of anonymity and of data protection. They are all...
Iain Davis In his excellent exposé of the recent decision by the Knight-Cronkite News Lab (KCNL) to advocate journalism that goes beyond objectivity, and in light of the report from the Columbia...
Iain Davis In 1935, Major General Smedley Butler’s seminal book “War Is A Racket” warned of the dangers of the US military-industrial complex, more than 25 years before the...
Iain Davis joins Jesse Zurawell on a recent episode of Perspetive. They talk Andrew Bridgen, the dangers of smear politics and labels, “menticide”, the true mindset of fascism and...
Iain Davis In a recent interview with Russian media, Nikolay Patrushev, an intelligence officer who is the former director of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and the current secretary...
Iain Davis Edited 17/12/22 by the author to correct a misattribution In Part 1, we discussed the historical background of Technocracy Inc. that briefly found popularity in the US in...
Following up on their conversation from a few days ago, Jesse Zurawell and Iain Davis reunite to continue their discussion of the rise global technocracy. You can listen to...