9/11: Twenty-Two Years On

Today marks twenty-two years since the towers – all three of them – fell in New York. The 9/11 attacks are a subject OffG has always rated as vitally important to understanding the modern world, and we have devoted a lot of coverage to it over the years.

This year, as well as new content, we would like to present this index of the best we have produced over the years.

The Physical Evidence

If you’re interested in scientifically debunking the “official story”, or in the true story the data tells, we have published scientific papers and countless columns on the actual physical evidence.

“On the Physics of High Rise Building Collapse” (Jones et al.) is a foundational paper on this subject. For the sake of fairness, we have also published Screw Loose Change’s attempted debunking of it.

More recently Kevin Ryan’s 2022 article “How to Debunk Thermite on 9/11” does a brilliant job of defending the explosive demolition theory from skeptics on both sides.

And more specifically, we ask simple questions such as “Why did NIST assume steel does not conduct heat?” or “Why did NIST experts claim there was no evidence of extreme heat?”

The Legacy

The political legacy of 911 is ongoing and impossible to overstate. This has been examined in dozens of articles over the years, including “The Tyranny of 9/11” and “15 Years of the War on Terror” and “Looking at the False-Flag after 18 Years”

The Cover-Up

If you’re looking for evidence of duplicity on the part of the media or other members of the establishment, maybe you’d be interested to see WTC owner Larry Silverstein going off-script by claiming they decided to “pull” WTC7. Or BBC reporter Jane Standley reporting the collapse of WTC half an hour before it happened (or read the BBC’s pathetic defense of same).

If you’re in the mood for a laugh, here’s the least convincing eye-witness you’ll ever see:

The Pandemic

If you’re interested in how 9/11 is related to the Covid19 “pandemic”, we produced an entire series of videos where experts from varying fields discuss that subject: Covid19/11.

Alongside that there were numerous articles on Covid as the new “forever war” as a successor to the “war on Terror”.

As early as March 2020, Professor Piers Robinson was warning of the use of “Propaganda of terror and fear” and relating 9/11 to Covid, and Whitney Webb wrote of “the politics of fear and self-preservation” to mark 9/11 20th birthday.

Kevin Ryan’s presentation on the parallels between the two is a must-watch.

The Books

Over the years we have published reviews of many books concerning 9/11, including works by both the late Graeme MacQueen and the late David Ray Griffin.

The Documentaries

If you’re planning some viewing and want some long-form documentaries, well you can watch the BBC’s Conspiracy files, and then read 9/11 Blogger’s response to it. If you want some decently honest documentaries, we would recommend ZERO: An Investigation Into 9/11, September 11: The New Pearl Harbour, and of course Loose Change, a foundational text in 9/11 truth.

In 2018 AE911Truth produced “Explosive Evidence”, in which chemists, physicists, engineers and other expert witnesses dismantle the “science” supporting NIST’s findings. And 2019’s 9/11 Whistleblowers details all the people who have come forward with stories that contradict the establishment fairy tale.

And finally, for the best short video on 9/11, you can’t go wrong with James Corbett’s 911: A Conspiracy Theory.

…we’re also very partial to our own 9 Demolitions and 1 Fire:

For more information, see our dedicated 9/11 page for eyewitness accounts, personal histories, legal challenges and more.


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Feb 8, 2024 12:43 PM

When the subject crops up of the Dancing Israelis in relation to 9/11, it’s worth taking note of these reports by the FBI at the time


greysungrayson conroy
greysungrayson conroy
Nov 29, 2023 2:36 AM

I found warning immediately after on BBS bathroom wall closed from night before Dancing Israelis confirmed fame back in Israel

Linda Ferland
Linda Ferland
Sep 13, 2023 9:39 PM

A number of yrs. before 9/11 I read a PNAC paper describing an event like 9/11 to keep the Dollar as the #1 currency for sales & Trade–especially, with other countries! On the day of 9/11 my brother & I on opposite coasts, on the phone said almost simultaneously: Inside Job!

Sep 13, 2023 10:44 AM

Federal officials were the first to draw parallels between the Maui fires and 9/11:

Stephen Bjune of FEMA’s Urban Search and Rescue; Dr. Robert Mann, a forensic anthropologist with the University of Hawai; Maui Police Chief John Pelletier; and Dan Moynihan, a firefighter at ground zero in New York on Sept. 11, 2001.

We see even more parallels: in the government failure, before, during and after events; yet again, emergency officials were “training”; officials on the ground sent victims back into the zone to their deaths; the crime scene was immediately controlled, the evidence swept out of view.

In the WTC, as in Lahaina, authorities had worked in advance on plans to rebuild the sites, desiring to update the old buildings with minimal damage to the surrounding real estate.

The deeper question involved the government power grabs that soon followed – though there is evidence they were planned in advance – like 9/11, like Covid, like Maui.

The mistake some make is to see Maui as a far off tropical island, when you in London (at least some of the readers and editors here) experience the self-same Smart cities programme (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology).

No-one lied about Maui. We have stated for three years that Build Back Better implies first destroying society…

“Burn it down” may be the cry of “anarchists” but since they first threw a bomb at a Russian Tsar, such anarchists have been the tools of billionaires.

Make the connection, broadcast it loud and wide, and refuse to comply.

Sep 13, 2023 8:42 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I saw a video last weekend about a July 17 proclamation or some such, overturning the extremely strict building and development rules in Lahaina. 4 weeks prior to that fire….. I believe it was the governor who pushed it but it was agreed upon by his flunkies as well. Hmmmm…..

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Sep 13, 2023 9:13 AM

EXCERPTS “On That Day”
Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved

“We lived 15 minutes from WTC on 9/11

The AIR quality for 10 months downtown was thick, TOXIC with a strong piercing FIERCE CHEMICAL ODOR causing red and watery eyes for over 10 months in our downtown neighborhood…

WE had already started filming our feature documentary on the FDNY since April 2001 which was 6 months prior to 9/11 so we arrived at our Pre scheduled Firehouse on 9/11 ready to continue filming…

When we arrived all the garage doors of the firehouse were raised no engine and no ladder trucks in sight so we figured the guys were on a fire run…

We walked into the firehouse kitchen the coffee was still hot and the kitchen TV was on and the breakfast dishes on the table were untouched…

Then we watched on Television what was going on at WTC we were horrified and speechless seeing the Twin Towers on fire as they had not come down at that point

I told my crew that morning we need to head down to WTC but by then all streets were blocked so we could not gain access.

So we figured OKAY let’s all get together and prepare some lunches and dinners for the guys (FF) as they will be hungry when they return since our craft service vendor had called saying they could not get to us given the fires at WTC and street traffic mostly blocked…

As we prepared the food we then watched on the kitchen TV the Twin Towers come down one after the other shortly there after…

Devastated in Shock we all wondered if our Beloved FDNY Firefighters would be returning on that day…?

We stayed in the firehouse and answered the phone lines from family members calling frantically looking for their sons and husbands and we took phone messages for them…

Then one by one the Families showed up
At the Firehouse looking for their loved ones…

By late morning the FF had not returned but we were all still very hopeful, we continued to cook and had placed food on the table for everyone…

On that Day lots of families gathered inside the firehouse crying in anguish and waiting…

It was now 10PM in the evening, everyone still waiting and waiting..

A Quiet Calm and Dreaded Silence Took Over…

This Silence was abruptly broken by the Lieutenant of this Ladder Company who had been away on vacation and had just returned that night….

He would not stop Screaming…

“Where are My Guys, Where are My Guys”

He collapsed sobbing uncontrollably”…

EXCERPTS from “On That Day”…
Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Sep 13, 2023 2:52 AM


BLDGS #1 #2 #7

EYE WItness all the buildings FALL straight down INTO ITS OWN FOOT BED

Sponsored by the good old USA!

Sep 13, 2023 1:41 AM

Of course this site continues to pretend Dr Judy Wood and David Martin do not exist because this site is a controlled limited hangout and I’m just here for the commenters.

If they simply did not believe Wood and Martin are legit, they would publish lengthy take-downs…
… right, Off- G?

The belief that the truth on this will “come out” when even JFK’s murder ( a much simpler crime from decades ago) is still pending… is tragicomic.

Those with eyes can see, the rest look at the muppet show.

Sep 13, 2023 1:52 AM
Reply to  Ras-Puputin

None of the demolitions shown feature any kind of dust cloud ( let alone such a massive one as 9/11) above the collapse.
The key word here is DUST and not “smoke”. The buildings were pulverised by a microwave weapon as Dr Judy Wood ( a materials science expert ) has shown, comparing photographic evidence of the damage to experiments done on a small scale by an independent nerd researcher into Tesla’s work.

comment image

Explosives could not do what happened there.
Molten engine blocks next to undamaged plastic parts in vehicles on the street do not happen with explosives.

Facts do not get through to people charged with rage and most americans including truthers are outraged at someone being able to attack their buildings like that. What happend to their Air Force? Patriots are indignant as fuck and cannot accept that their cuntry was attacked in the exact same manner ( mass death delivered from the sky) Uncle Sam has been attacking for decades…

Sep 13, 2023 1:58 AM
Reply to  Ras-Puputin

The Tesla/microwave researcher is not a truther

comment image

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 13, 2023 5:17 AM
Reply to  Ras-Puputin

The destruction of WTC1 does no fit with a microwave weapon or a directed energy weapon (which is more like what Judy Wood has claimed). Watch the video. The antenna begins descending before the top section does. This demonstrates the top section disintegrated, hence could not act as a pile driver. But it also means the truss hat assembly structural feature at the top of the inner core columns was blown up first, meaning the inner core was destroyed first, and this without any outside damage showing. No microwave weapon or directed energy weapon on the outside of the building could have done that.
The video is here, sorry, i don’t have an exact time stamp for the discussion of the antenna.’s descent.
Structural Engineer Roland Angle, P.E., delivers WTC FACTS: Towers 1 & 2, AE911 Truth, 5/22/23. an hour and 42 minutes.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Sep 13, 2023 9:23 AM
Reply to  Ras-Puputin

Wood is mostly giving quasi-new-age photo essays, with little methodical reasoning or evidence, heavily implying some sort of Direct Energy Weapon (DEW) powered by storms. It certainly doesn’t convince me. She has not published a single paper on her theory, or quantified any of her assertions about ‘dustification’ in any way that can be tested. Therefore, there’s really not much to ‘take-down’ and it certainly doesn’t require anything ‘lengthy’. She appears to this admin to be at the centre of a stage-managed attempt to discredit the 911 truth movement and seed needless dissension. That’s just my view.

This Admin’s diplomatic view is that, whether we think it’s storm-powered DEWs or a big black ball with a sizzling fuse and ‘bomb’ written on it, we are alleging man-made, controlled destruction (of some kind) of three WTC towers, and this demands further investigation. Dealing in the cold, hard facts is ALL that is required to do this. There is direct, published scientific evidence of explosive material in 9/11 dust which we shouldn’t expect to find there, as well as much expert testimony from scientists, architects and engineers, plus witness testimony from first responders etc., all pointing to the fact that the official story doesn’t hold up.

That’s ALL that is required in order to apply direct, apolitical pressure on authorities to reopen investigations. If authorities ignore this pressure they must expend effort ignoring it, which ups pressure over time. As long as the 9/11 truth movement is there listening, applying pressure and paying attention, there is a chance the authorities might slip up at some point and acknowledge something they didn’t mean to acknowledge, and the argument for reopening investigations will strengthen further and become even harder to ignore. Etc.

All this is rendered moot, however, if we overreach and make exotic claims about sci-fi weaponry. These claims are beyond the scope of the evidence at this time. If we get fanciful in our assertions we are no longer dealing in cold, hard facts. If we stop dealing in cold hard facts then we are taking pressure off the authorities.

As an aside, some questions for YOU:

1/ since you’ve come on here saying we’re controlled opposition, how would you expect controlled opposition to react to your accusations? Would we bin your comment? Would we publish it as part of a double bluff? What?

2/ how would you expect us to react if we weren’t controlled opposition?

3/ Do you have any direct evidence that we’re controlled opposition, other than the fact OFFG doesn’t agree with everything you think?

4/ are you trying to achieve anything constructive with these accusations – like enter into a dialogue, build trust in the comments or edify the community – or is it safe to assume you’re not trying to be friendly or make cogent points and really you’re just here to troll?

5/ do you think people engaging in unfriendly, unhelpful trolling are serving free speech or helping to shut it down?


Dylan Jones
Dylan Jones
Sep 12, 2023 9:20 PM

The court breaker is always WTC7’s demolition and the BBCs prediction. But add to that the tiny bone fragments from the Twins that found their way atop the Deutsche Bank building. Only high-powered explosives could have produced such fragmentation.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 12, 2023 11:39 PM
Reply to  Dylan Jones

And the placing of the fragments upon that roof.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 12, 2023 7:02 PM

Something i wrote, in my new blog, linking 9/11 and 3/11 (3/11/20, the day the WHO declared a global “pandemic” over a phantom virus, to quote Off-G, 1/31/21.)

From 9/11 to 3/11, Part 1, a personal journey. “Science” used for deception vs using actual science. Jeffrey Strahl, 9/8/23.

les online
les online
Sep 13, 2023 12:38 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

As an aside:
“It doesnt make sense to me”
“I’ll keep trusting my gut feeling”
watching its back…(anon)…

Maria Johnson
Maria Johnson
Sep 12, 2023 6:23 PM

I believe I do,
I believe its true.
I believe exactly what they tell me to.

Tom Paxton – (What Did You Learn In School Today)

Sep 12, 2023 4:44 PM

On live TV even Tucker Carlson discussed the “mysterious” collapse of Tower 7 of the WTC: https://t.co/AKjN9hmj3x

Sep 12, 2023 10:01 PM
Reply to  Antonym

I recall that commentary from Carlson, live and remembered it for very specific reasoning: that may not always fit your perceptions: but, if yer’ up for discussions on this , hit me back and I’ll respond… seriously. TUCKER WAS PROHIBITED from discussing 9/11,
Let alone WTC7 and its’ contents. Are you ready to discuss Monsanto, Drought Resistant Seed & Geo-engineering, Scientifically and the SEC ENQUIRY held within WTC7 ?

Maybe I Misjudged you & your bias, a long time ago, purely because of your lack of cognisance & recognition of much relevant ?

And Tucker, like he states is/was truly clueless regarding the Iraq War, Physics &
Many other things scientific. I originally concluded you were shilling, but
We are Fallible … and India will remain very considerable,
going Forwards.

Sep 12, 2023 4:19 PM

Something tells me if you were to ask a Gen Z person about 9/11, you’d either get a blank stare or a reply about not having had to call them for any emergency.

But ask them about Beonce’s latest video, and they could talk for days. No doubt when Gen ZZ comes along, they won’t even know what a nine or an eleven represents.

“Is that all the likes (so and so) got for their latest video? Or is it the latest color? Or some new app? Sounds boring.”

Sep 13, 2023 10:06 AM
Reply to  Howard

You have to be over 40 to have been an adult on the day of the World Trade Center attacks, and closer to 50 to remember the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995.

Before the era of school shootings, and bombings of public buildings, there was the slew of aircraft hijackings that in the 1970s became almost commonplace. But to remember that you must be in your 70s.

How to put it delicately? If one were to go back in search of an outbreak of criminality that was certifiably organic and authentic, it would have to be the time of John Dillinger, and Bonny and Clyde.

Those bank robbers had a decade-long run because law enforcement was slow to catch up with technology. Fast cars and machine guns gave them a head start.

Everything since has an element of control by the power brokers.

Sep 12, 2023 1:14 PM

Empire State Building

The picture above shows the Empire State Building and the twin towers. The latter as far as I know were never struck by aicraft. The former was. In July 1945.By a twin engined B25 bomber. As would be expected, both wings were sheared off. The first structural steel the plane encountered stopped the fuselage in it’s tracks, crushing it. Fuel rained down on the street below, forming flaming puddles. How different this real event was when compared with the depiction of “UA 175” enetering the South Tower as though it were an oddly shaped and coloured cloud.

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 12, 2023 7:05 PM

These were new generation steel towers, they could build a tower with less metal like we build todays cars to simply fold like a tin foil hat. If you took a 30’s car and rammed it into todays kia, the kia would fold like a tin foil hat, much like your argument.

Sep 12, 2023 8:34 PM

Yeah. Well, wearing a tinfoil hat is better than wearing a blindfold…

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 12, 2023 11:04 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7


Sep 13, 2023 4:56 AM


You are an effing shill.

Sep 13, 2023 10:10 AM

To this day government and state corporate media insist that the observable evidence of force and mass was overturned when two, 3 mm-skinned aluminium planes demolished two skyscrapers that they hit (WTC 1 & 2), and one they didn’t (WTC 7).

The planes penetrated an interlaced steel exterior that ranged frm 10 inches thick at the base, to less than 1 inch at the top. WTC 1 & 2 were unusual in that the steel exterior formed their support – rather than the usual interior columns with a thin outside skin – specifically so that they would withstand a passenger jet strike.

Sep 13, 2023 10:32 AM
Reply to  moneycircus


The fuselage is in most places 1mm thick, a bit more in stressed areas.I have used the formula for thin shell buckling to show that the B767 fuselage would have crumpled before the perimeter columns even bent. It is easy to show that the wings would have sheared off quite close to the fuselage.

Sep 12, 2023 1:02 PM

Thank you for all of these links.
I would add to that list the new film about and with Professor Graeme MacQeen, “Peace, War and 9/11”
He is just so easy to listen to and this film really connects the dots. So very interesting about the boondoggled Anthrax scare.
And all these years later it is absolutely jaw dropping to listen to the pundits and talking heads within one hour of the collapse – “Osama bin laden Osama bin laden Osama bin laden”
“safe and effective safe and effective safe and effective”

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Sep 13, 2023 2:44 AM
Reply to  judith

Thank you Judith watched the film four times its Stunning work by Ted Walter and from my dear Friend and Colleague Graeme MacQueen who is Astonishing, Poignant and his words deeply rooted from his Conscience, it was heartbreaking and gut wrenching for Graeme what a
Beautiful Noble Man…We all love and miss him so much

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 14, 2023 12:19 AM
Reply to  judith

And all these years later it is absolutely jaw dropping to listen to the pundits and talking heads within one hour of the collapse – “Osama bin laden Osama bin laden Osama bin laden”

“safe and effective safe and effective safe and effective”

Almost like it was scripted.

Sep 12, 2023 11:37 AM

The 757 that hit the Pentagon.

  1. I love to see the full training receipts (flight hrs etc) and employment log (flight hrs etc) for the Pilot that flew this plane.
  2. Apart from the final set of maneuvers, I’d love to see if the black box logs provide a challenge to alleged competence of the Pilot in 1.
Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Sep 12, 2023 12:21 PM
Reply to  TFS

Why don’t you Just watch the CCTV ?

There must be loads of footage as the Pentagon is the most sensitive location on Earth……………..

Oh, wait……………………………… !

Sep 12, 2023 1:03 PM


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 12, 2023 3:47 PM

Not only the most sensitive, but it was the heart of the heartland, the Account Department, which was bombed by an airplane.
Osama Bin Laden knew what he was doing..

Sep 12, 2023 10:40 AM

Searching through Billy Bragg’s past utterances I noticed he was still pushing one of the mainstream lines on 9/11 – that it couldn’t be a conspiracy because most of the alleged hi-jackers were Saudis and a conspiracy would have used Iraqis.

Leaving aside the coach-and-horses that’s been driven through the alleged identities of the hi-jackers (even by the BBC), the idea of future leverage over the Saudis doesn’t seem to have occurred to him. The connection to Iraq was meant to come through the anthrax follow-up but that collapsed and was quietly flushed down the memory hole.

Has any US war been geuine? The USS Maine… the Lusitania (read Colin Simpson)… Pearl Harbor (read Robert Stinnett)… the Gulf of Tonkin… 9/11….

Still, a country blessed with high geo-political security has to be got into wars somehow! A sense of threat is necessary and Canada and Mexico just don’t cut the mustard! It might be noticed how often naval incidents and Roosevelts have featured.

Sep 12, 2023 10:35 AM

As with all false flag operations the only way TPTB can convince the masses is by ensuring the complicity of the mainstream media. That’s where all efforts should be focused. Get some scepticism in the Guardian and you’ve got the awakening of the gullible. The Guardian of what, one wonders? Certainly not the truth.

Sep 12, 2023 9:43 AM


For the first time I recently met someone, a nuclear scientist, who had worked in Los Alamos for over three decades. I am sure someone ran computer simulations of the pulverisation of the twin towers by multiple synchronised top down W54 sub kiloton variable yield warheads.They could have been done at Dimona. They could have been done at Sellafield. They could have been done at multiple locations, the scientists comparing their results before committing to the method. Could the fellow I met have participated in the simulations ? Impossible to know but intriguing to speculate on. There is a small chance I have actually met someone who participated in the demoltion of the twin towers.

Sep 12, 2023 9:57 AM


The simulations could of course have been done at Los Alamos. The only explanation of the strange top down pulverisation of each of the twin towers can only be explained by a synchronised sequence of mini nuke explosions. The first explosion would have occurred close to the top of the building(s). Subsequent explosions would have occurred lower down. About four of the devices would have been required, a total of about 4 kilotons per tower. The W54 warhead powered both the nuclear backpack and the Davy Crockett nuclear field artillery weapons. The W54 was tried,tested and produced in large numbers.

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 12, 2023 12:21 PM

They said it was the heat generated by the full fuel tank that weakened the metal.

When metal is heated it wont keep its strength, once the collapse began the weight from above just crushed the structure below.

Did they stop teaching physics in school or did all that grammer scramble ones ability to determine the truth??

Sep 12, 2023 11:02 PM

I honestly recommend you analyse the computer modelling from
Fairbanks University Alaska, on rates of heat Transmission, from
Fire within WTC7. It only took them 4 years, against their original WILL !

You clearly have never studied Physics.

There was nothing poetic about WTC7 ! !
Please STFU, seriously !

Sep 12, 2023 11:18 PM

Otherwise, if I have to explain here in these columns, I will not have the time to trim my moustache & beard and shave my testicles, around 12 piercings, today: should this comment exit pending, promptly. See ? 😂

Sep 13, 2023 2:08 AM

Yes, they did say that and you were not paying attention during physics class in the military school you attended, jackass.

Sep 12, 2023 10:53 PM

” Davy, Davy Crocket, king of the wild frontiers… ”

I personally recommend that you stick to what you know & understand,
In terms of Physics, first hand and focus on WTC7… And your impressions of wildlife 😂: Like Emperor Penguins: rather than drag serious conversation 👇 down. You would prove yourself sh8t at any party, as you have often demonstrated, elsewhere.

Because, if you really want to discuss Physics, you had best focus on what can be proven from Public Records & Declarations ! Rather than speculate about things & people you remain clueless about, first hand 🖐…next, you will be telling me that Geo-engineering Weather is impossible or creating Earthquakes, I guess … ?

Sep 13, 2023 10:39 AM
Reply to  Balkydj

This is gatekeeping of the most obvious kind. How do you explain the elevated levels of fission products like barium in the area (USGS surveys) and the documented elevated levels of tritium in the ground water at ground zero ?

Sep 15, 2023 10:02 AM

@P.M. You may well have spotted something of value, further down the road of any Legal proceedings and correcting the annals of an ‘officially’ wholly Falsely written & recorded history of events, that have hidden the scientific reality behind three controlled demolitions on one day, in NYC.

But: you have to start any counter measures with Scientific principles that
Can be easily proven, absent any conflation, obfuscation or emotions, for the benefit of people, even like Graeme MacQueen: who was somewhat late in fully comprehending the utter Impossibility of what happened to
World Trade Centre 7 and its’ *e x t r e m e l y* valuable contents of
Public Records. The list of contents was invaluable in terms of Public Records, some of which I was personally waiting to hear of… their subsequent public declarations in the name of a science that had been wholly abused for Financial gain and mind control of market forces,
Including Food chains… like Monsanto’s G.M.O. & Enron’s behaviours,
Let alone HAARP and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange+Derivatives!

For you to accuse me of being a Gatekeeper, is just another distraction, obfuscation and conflation of very valuable facts & first hand knowledge that I happen to have had, working directly for the Entity that purchased the High Auroral Accoustic Research Programming from ARCO, with D.o.D. approval & conditions of purchase, after which I resigned willingly, like my C.E.O. , I figured. Subsequently, for 2 weeks per year, during the 90’s, as a Swiss volunteer Fireman & Firetruck driver, with a licence to drive every category of ‘goods’ & combinations of vehicles, I was commissioned to drive for the White House, all things imaginable & their kids, from Air Force One in Kloten to Davo:, including their Communications Centre & Electronics. I once had the privilege of not just Transporting the equipment, but also watching the final setup in a well insulated Barn in Davos, from the corner Warming up, due to very cold conditions outside & an extremely long day of nerves on a knife-edge, due to the incompetence of the Swiss Anti-Terror Police Boss ! The boss of the White House Communications Centre fully agreed with me… thus, my privilege, also to momentarily relax, rewind, review & Warm-up, with the electronics, before they became operational… my last commendation for this job, was in the year 2000, if you would like a copy ? I knew, 100% certain, that something bad was going to evolve somewhen, from 1997 onwards and threatened to walk off the job in the middle of a motorway (between tunnels) section, covered in Snow & Ice, having already brought the whole White House convoy to a standstill, leaving Al Gore’s kids and their C.i.a. detail: and I was genuinely gonna’ hitch hike home to my newly born daughter, in the interests of my personal safety… Marlene persuaded me otherwise, after some assurances & direct command to Swiss Police regarding security issues ! She should not have had to do that, after the first pseudo bombing of the World Trade Centre… long before 2001. But she did and I stayed,
Focussed on Driving. I have long suggested that people focus on what we know and can prove ASAP, unequivocally. You PM, on the other hand would rather speculate, like Enron. You fool … with wholly foolish obfuscation !
Are you shilling ? Or living in the land of make believe constructs ?

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Sep 12, 2023 9:42 AM
Matt Black
Matt Black
Sep 12, 2023 9:35 AM

On this day, we should solemnly remember that our (USS) ‘liberty’ has been under constant attack from the ‘people’ who claim to be allies.

Sep 12, 2023 10:14 AM
Reply to  Matt Black

Another country didn’t attack US ships a couple of years earlier and got bombed back into the Stone Age.

Jim Morrison’s father happened to be the admiral in charge of that particular operation.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 14, 2023 12:24 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Ride the snake
Ride the snake
To the lake
The ancient lake, baby
The snake is long
Seven miles
Ride the snake
He’s old
And his skin is cold

Though the lyric about the insane children may be more apropos.

Sep 12, 2023 6:46 AM

Vintage OffG. The evidence is clear. However, the criminals are still at large: Cheney, Bush, BLiar and Co are enjoying the fruits of their crime, and Natan Yahoo has been re-elected prime minister of Israel. No courts have convicted even the smallest criminal. And as you say, our powerlessness to bring to justice the villains of Con-911 has emboldened the criminal classes to commit Con-19; with worse to come.

There is something fundamentally wrong in our methods of government. Two things come to mind: the high susceptibility of the sheeple to government propaganda; and the low susceptibility of the government to genuine demands by the people.

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 12, 2023 12:24 PM
Reply to  NickM

Stray from the laws of nature and lose your way of governing.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Sep 12, 2023 4:49 AM

That settles it, I’m going to go out and debunk the 9/11 lies to everyone I meet. And then, the humans that did it will be arrested and there will be a chicken in every pot. I’ve already convinced my neighbor that the CIA killed JFK. Still working on him with the Gulf of Tonkin and Hiroshima. I’m on a roll though. It’s only a matter of time. I read a new thing about the Titanic the other day too, and that one, wow, done deal.

Sep 13, 2023 1:20 AM

Going by sound advice that to prepare a person to even begin considering hard truths, maybe start with ancient history like the real author behind Shakespeare. So I told someone about those fascinating facts a few months ago and their response was worse than a kid learning about Santa Claus – they refused to accept it and clung to their sacred tradition; didn’t want to hear any more about it.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 12, 2023 4:38 AM

Weren’t they called Ireland to Ireland Twins across the Atlantic for us Great British in an Historical context?

Sep 12, 2023 3:40 AM

An attack on US soil ?
‘Heaven forbid.’
‘That’ll shake up the locals.’
‘Mmm, leave it with me’

Sep 12, 2023 3:00 AM

So what were the motives for 911?
1. To justify the War on Terror and the creation of Homeland security.
2. To destroy embarrassing financial documents in Building 7 and the Pentagon (e.g. the missing $21 trillion).
3. To demolish the WTC and collect the insurance money because the necessary renovation was exorbitant.
4. A mass public occult ritual. Bain’s “Blackjack” (2019) book claims 911 was an occult ritual, which was part of a countdown of the 26,000 year Great Year (precession of the Equinoxes) which he claims ended on 12-21-2021. He believes many other public rituals have been done as part of this countdown and that Washington DC is embedded with masonic architecture and “sacred” geometry that denote this countdown.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 12, 2023 5:05 AM
Reply to  CK_

Or Sanity Rules for once…perhaps its for Homeland Security or more fitting International Homeland Security for Flight Crews Plane Carriers Goods services and of course paying Customers to depart and arrive safely at there destinations Worldwide.
Or, your going to insist on dottie as Great British Four Nations United Kingdom’s language.
It is interesting Sound came along before Pictured Talkies isn’t it. In any Event you don’t Talk at a Memorial to the Dead or perhaps some do far away imo. 12: 01 am
Thank you.
Sorry for interrupting 12:03 In the United States of America, PA.

Sep 12, 2023 9:55 AM
Reply to  CK_

Sorry – I don’t get how anyone could say when the precession of the equinox ends – isn’t it a never-ending cyclical process? There is no start or end-point in a circle, is there?

R Anand
R Anand
Sep 12, 2023 1:43 PM
Reply to  Jos

According to research material that resonates with me, the precession of equionx (over a non-spherical earth) is indeed a never-ending cyclical process, and one that takes place gradually (1% every 72 years) at a constant rate. The switch from one constellation sign to another does not in real sense (to me) make for anything major. The build-up to the new is gradual, and the release from the old is also gradual.

But I dont buy that the oligarchy-military would have tried to make a statement of the precession with their ugly acts.

The only indirect connection I see is that they got desperate to get more control over world resources, as the direction in which the magnetic north is moving has far more of water areas and very little of land areas. In 4,000 years from now, the then-Earth world would have even lesser land areas than currently.

Sep 12, 2023 4:45 PM
Reply to  R Anand

Flux & Frequency are fascinating words…

I wonder why nahzu every website wants to know,
One’s exact D.o.B. ?

And yet I never, to this day, could find precisely
Preston Rabl’s. An interesting anomaly… ?
I believe so.

R Anand
R Anand
Sep 12, 2023 6:02 PM
Reply to  R Anand

I ought to have given at least one link to the research material I referred to above. Here is one https://rumble.com/v142qx7-vibes-of-cosmos-voc-the-documentary-07.05.2022.html (from 2 hr 22 min onwards till end of video 2 hr 34 min).

Sep 12, 2023 7:26 PM
Reply to  R Anand

Who needed that, thousands of years ago ! Just imagine,

What you see ! Month on month, year on year …

Is an ellipse, in space ⌚ time:
>>> expanding your mind. <<<

Sep 12, 2023 4:30 PM
Reply to  Jos

Riddle me then, how the Moon is sometimes Closer & sometimes further Afar from the Earth 🌍 in its’ Orbit ?

Hint: Could the answer be Elliptic or just plain cryptic ?

You tell me… if an algebraic curve of genus one is equipped with a Basepoint ? 😉 simply… 🙋

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Sep 13, 2023 2:47 AM
Reply to  CK_


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 12, 2023 2:15 AM

Dont forget the Aluminium airplanes cut through RC Concrete and H steel beams as a hot knife through soft butter.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 12, 2023 5:47 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Penny Engineering Aireal Faggotry., those types of buildings are just indoor Glass Houses in my amateur opinion. Probably more often outdated.

Sep 12, 2023 10:20 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Wood can pierce metal with enough velocity e.g. in a tornado. This argument – put forward by the likes of John Lear (ex-CIa pilot) and Jim Fetzer (ex-US military) – proves nothing.

There was no airliner…. at the Pentagon.

Anyway, the big picture is the official narrative is untrue.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 12, 2023 3:55 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I know. Wood is stronger than metal.
I once saw a photo of a train left in the wood. The trees were strangulating the train, and grew in and out of it.
Slowly but surely the train was broken down and in the end disappearing back to where it came from, the soil.

Sep 12, 2023 12:40 AM

Why no mention of the Univ of Alaska forensic engineering study? That appears to be the one piece of evidence that would be irrefutable in any court of law.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 12, 2023 6:11 AM
Reply to  Joe

Americans don’t mention Canadian terror disaster Joe, why would they mention Alaska’s Uni? Sounds crazy but some maps have Alaska detached…crazy world of word games.

Sep 12, 2023 5:21 PM
Reply to  Joe

Indeed ! 4 years of computer modelling !

I’ve been emphasizing the need to Focus on WTC7 and its’ contents for decades & before
Anybody had ever heard of Corbett… (or OffG existed), from the ‘getgo’, a matter of seconds after Jane Standley became the BBC Psychic Sidekick, with the building still in full view over her left shoulder…

Ask any Fireman, or better still Dr. Daniele Ganser, as I have suggested to OffG personnel many times, but still they seem ‘abgeneigt’ as in, not keen to contact him for some INEXPLICABLE reason, I cannot fathom: given that he is way more competent & professional than James Corbett and more knowledgeable about the CIA than Corbett & the whole OffG team combined, seriously: words fail me… except to repeat,
Contact : GANSER !

Daniel Rehahn
Daniel Rehahn
Sep 12, 2023 12:01 AM

Direct energy weapons?

Daniel Rehahn
Daniel Rehahn
Sep 12, 2023 6:19 AM
Reply to  Daniel Rehahn

does seem a bit fanciful…i don’t know

Sep 12, 2023 2:01 PM
Reply to  Daniel Rehahn

Judy Wood is good on dustification / DE, if you haven’t seen her presentation:


Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Sep 12, 2023 7:29 AM
Reply to  Daniel Rehahn

Mini nukes.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 11, 2023 11:14 PM

By now, we know who they are. They’re the ones who murdered a shipload of people in order to eliminate three bankers so they could be free to set up their fraudulent bankster system on steroids.

Do we still believe they won’t shy away from mass murder in order to attain their goals?

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Sep 12, 2023 12:23 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Democide will be the order of the day.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Sep 11, 2023 11:07 PM

The 9/11 documentary film produced entirely by firefighters (current and retired) is titled “Calling Out Bravo 7″… People can view the film through this link:

Sep 11, 2023 10:22 PM

It must be another coincidence, but people who believe in Covid tend to believe planes caused the twin towers to collapse on themselves (plus WTC7), and that we landed on the moon 😂
Strangely this tendency afflicts high flying graduate professionals as well as low skilled workers.

Sep 12, 2023 6:55 AM
Reply to  Paul

“Strangely this tendency afflicts high flying graduate professionals as well as low skilled workers”

Yes, I move in PhD Sci. circles and their belief in the miracles of Con-911 and Con-19 is as strong as that of the most uneducated peasants of the most backward nations of the darkest ages of the past.

“Credo quia absurdum est.”

Sep 12, 2023 10:04 AM
Reply to  Paul

The highly-educated are so steeped in the ‘reality’ of their ordered world that to dare to question any of it would pull their whole existence down around their ears. They drink a triple macchiato kool-aid for breakfast and nothing will convince them that it’s doing anything but good for them.

Sep 11, 2023 10:17 PM

George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face forever.

COVID-19/11 = CON JOB-1984

Now put on a mask 😷 and take off your shoes 👞

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 12, 2023 7:50 AM
Reply to  turesankara

Unfortunately you can only seriously review Eigthy Four today as from a Telegraph perspective 1949. Separately suggested Oxford Cambridge discourses on-line. As an adverse alternative to the United States. [US] and [UK]….otherwise you end up slap bang in The Drink. Rembrandt The Coffee Mug. If you please for the Organ Grinder Upper..Krass Klass Dunkin’ Dunsdale TIT.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 11, 2023 10:11 PM

No matter what you say I believe what my government say that Lee Harvey Oswald did it, and no one will ever make me believe anything else.
You believe your bs and I believe my truth, and we both have the right to have our free speech and our voices being heard.  😐 

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 12, 2023 7:51 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Boring Dollar.

Sep 12, 2023 10:25 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

‘Oswald’ happens to mean “divine power”. The divinity they’re referring to certainly ain’t the Christian God….

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 11, 2023 9:23 PM

The longest war in US history is the war of the US Deep State on its population.

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Sep 12, 2023 2:18 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo


Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Sep 12, 2023 4:53 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Ya, like all the other populations have been immune from their own deep state, say like, GBR.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 12, 2023 8:24 AM

Hah hah cop out 7/6d 11am still with the umbilical cord. GB. No it’s ok you don’t need it’s your own flat screen.

Sep 11, 2023 8:49 PM

September Clues deserves an honourable mention, how else could people unfamiliar with CGI understand how they did it with no planes?

I was very skeptical when I first heard about the ‘no planes’ theory, then I watched an interview from a reporter who had been sent with a film crew a destination airport to get footage of the relatives there to collect passengers from the flights, but there was nobody there, no reactions to film because nobody was waiting for the arrival, turned out this was the same scenareo in all of the destination airports!

It’s an hr n half long, but if you still think planes hit the towers you only need to watch the first 10 mins and the analysis of the chopper 5 footage played backwards.


more clips here: https://septemberclues.org/

Sep 12, 2023 9:16 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

9/11 Psyop

Ace Baker’s 9/11 Psyop is the ultimate truth video. It is telling that You Tube censored the episode on the media. The limited hangout movement was also created to protect the media.

Sep 14, 2023 10:48 PM

Have you watched September Clues?

Duncan Wearing
Duncan Wearing
Sep 12, 2023 9:21 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

The biggest beneficiary of the “event” was the Zionist state.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Sep 11, 2023 8:00 PM

A Mass Murder Criminal Event preceded by a conspiracy between fixed frame entities, and a massive cover up of the crime scene to steal away evidence and valuables.

Do you like Dancing Israelites?


Sep 11, 2023 7:57 PM

Posting this one last time in case anyone missed it: Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the September 11, 2001 Official Story—The Anti-Miracle that Irrevocably Changed the World:

9/11 was the day physics didn’t show up for work. Two planes managed to fell 3 skyscrapers9/11 was the first and last time “office fires” were responsible for the disintegration of a steel framed skyscraper (WTC7)9/11 was the day the BBC could see 23 minutes into the future—when they reported the demolition of said ^ skyscraper before it fell9/11 was the reason the United States invaded 7 countries in the middle east, for no reason9/11 was caused because our enemies hated our freedoms, so to solve this problem our freedoms were promptly stripped from us9/11 was the day the Pentagon was hit by an invisible plane in the Army Budget Office which was missing 2.3 trillion dollars9/11 was the day that a passport from one of the hijackers survived the wreckage of the fireball plane crash and landed unscathed on the ground a few blocks away—one of the biggest tragedies of all is that the planes and the buildings themselves were not made out of this indestructible material9/11 was the day Ahriman decided to make his first televised public appearance in a BIG way9/11 was the day the towers which spelled the number 11 were destroyed to later be replaced by the world’s new idol—the syringeNineteen years after the destruction of said towers – on 3/11/2020 – the WHO declares the COVID scamdemic9/11 was the day that 19 hijackers armed with box-cutters effortlessly caught the vast military and intelligence apparatus of the US off-guard because they happened to be running war game simulations of terrorists flying planes into skyscrapers at the exact same time the hijackers were actually doing it, and thus were rendered incapable of distinguishing fantasy from realityIf for some unfathomable reason you don’t believe that these lies – which as predicted by PNAC handed the world to the US Government on a silver platter – are true, or if you somehow believe that the aforementioned outcome of this totally legit series of impossible events is against your best interest—your ass is going on a watch list. The American government loves you and if you suspect otherwise you are a hazardous threat to freedom and justice everywhere.

All of the above is 100% true. Full references plus much more information here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/the-best-911-truth-video-you-will

Sep 12, 2023 9:18 AM
Reply to  RepairmanJack


Planes ? Hijackers ? This is limited hangout at it’s worst.

Sep 12, 2023 3:51 PM


Did you miss the satire…?

That’s what ‘the authorities’ usually do…

Sep 11, 2023 7:43 PM

3000 people dead
Extremely loud and incredibly close
The missing 99 pages
Chomsky (‘Who cares’)
Tora Bora mountain caves
The daily scare of new terrorist attacks
Samuel Huntington’s clash of civilizations
Jihad vs McWorld
Wanting to take our freedom
The evil axis
The wars leading to ISIS
Seymour Hersh
250 years of enlightenment
The waiting lines at airports
Dancing Israelis
Guantánamo Bay
Michael Moore
I will overcooooome (Live)

Just a few random thoughts about all the showbusiness that was produced from 9/11.

Sep 12, 2023 9:29 AM
Reply to  Willem

you left out exploding shoes and underpants

Sep 12, 2023 6:55 PM
Reply to  Willem

81 steel columns
2 seconds freefall
10 seconds flat
1 vertical Implosion
What was that ?
A controlled demolition.

Sep 11, 2023 7:03 PM

COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity – Watch Along and Q&A
