191 Search Results for Gaza
To My Fellow Jews, As They Invert Reality Each Time an Israeli Is Released from Gaza
Michael Lesher
Dear fellow religiously-observant Jews, I have a request to make of all of you. Please, please – in the...
Martin Luther King, Vietnam, and Gaza
Edward Curtin
Before my mind was turned to the subject of my title, I started to write a piece called “Are...
We Called It: Israel-Gaza Ceasefire
Kit Knightly
Eight days ago, in our third prediction for 2025 we said… …the incoming Trump admin will be trying to...
So…What’s the deal with Gaza’s polio vaccination campaign?
Kit Knightly
Two weeks ago, the first case of polio was detected in Gaza for 25 years, leaving a ten month-old...
Gaza Selfie: Representing the Chosen People
Simon Elmer
“Encouraging and integrating aliyah is a strategic event for the State of Israel. Aliyah in the coming years will...
Gaza: The End of the Jewish Joy Ride?
Michael Lesher
You almost want to feel sorry for Israel’s professional apologists in mainstream media these days. Their job, a fetid...
Jesus, Gaza, and the Murder of Useless People
Edward Curtin Jesus was a Palestinian Jew born in Bethlehem. He grew up in Nazareth and was executed as...
10 Questions About Gaza – Part 2
Simon Elmer This is the second part of a two-part article. Part 1, featuring questions 1-5 was published here...
10 Questions About Gaza – Part 1
Simon Elmer I and the public know What all schoolchildren learn, Those to whom evil is done Do evil...
Is Gaza genocide being used to push fake “multipolar world” as a “solution”?
Catte Black This comment by a reader calling himself “Théophile Gautier” appeared on OffG last week. We find the...
The day Gaza becomes uninhabitable
by Anna Majavu, New Frame, January 13, 2020 In 2012, the United Nations published research suggesting that by 2016,...
BOOK REVIEW: ‘Gaza’ by Norman G Finklestein
o, the ultimate question is, do Palestinians have the right to symbolically resist slow death punctuated by periodic massacres,...
The Victims in Gaza and Douma
by David William Pear, first published by The Greanville Post In their book Manufacturing Consent Edward Herman and Noam...
VIDEO: Eva Bartlett – Gaza, Syria and North Korea: The Truth Behind The Lies
Eva Bartlett talks in detail about some of the current flashpoints around the globe, and the routine misrepresentations in...
Enclosure of Gaza as a “Prison Territory”
by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, via Global Research Construction of New High Tech Surveillance Wall to Separate Gaza from Israel...
Israel Ordered the Shooting of Civilians in Gaza
by Vaska Al Jazeera reports that, in what amounts to acts of war crime, Israeli soldiers were instructed to...
How I was censored by The Guardian for writing about Israel’s war for Gaza’s gas
Read full article on Nafeez Ahmed’s website After writing for The Guardian for over a year, my contract was...
Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged An Apartheid State From River to Sea By Thomas Suárez
Edward Curtin
Much has been written in the alternative press over the past year about the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians...
Predicting 2025: Bye-bye Bibi?
Kit Knightly
In my article predicting “The Next Pandemic”, published last April, I wrote that it would not begin until a...
Technocracy Ascending-Part 2: Trust Me, I’m a Technocrat
Jesse Smith
Part 1 of this series detailed a brief history of the movement started by Technocracy Inc. in the 1930s to...