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The War on Reality (Revisited)
CJ Hopkins
Reality isn’t what it used to be. It never really was, but that’s another story. This one isn’t about...
The Great Divide
CJ Hopkins
Robert Kennedy, Jr. is running for president. I could not possibly be more excited. So, I’m going to give...
A Twitter Files Requiem
CJ Hopkins And so the “Twitter Files” Limited Hangout has come to its inevitable, ignominious end. It is over....
The New Normal Left
CJ Hopkins So, I went to London to speak to the Left … no, not “the Left” you’re probably...
The Censorship Industrial Complex
CJ Hopkins I think something is seriously wrong with my brain. Yesterday, I hallucinated that Matt Taibbi and Michael...
The War on Insensitivity
CJ Hopkins So, here’s a “conspiracy theory” for you. This one is about the global-capitalist thoughtpolice and their ongoing...
The Consent Factory
CJ Hopkins
So, Matt Taibbi is going after the Consent Factory. No, not my blog. The actual Consent Factory. The unimaginably...
How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP
CJ Hopkins There comes a time near the end of every PSYOP when the PSYOP has achieved its objective,...
The Mother of All Limited Hangouts
CJ Hopkins The Mother of All Limited Hangouts has begun. Yes, I’m talking about the “Covid Twitter Files,” which...
Swimming with Sharks
CJ Hopkins So, Elon Musk’s new free-speech Twitter appears to be going extremely well. Critics of the official Covid...
The Emperor Elonicus
CJ Hopkins Everyone is going to hate this column. Musk worshipers are going to hate it because I’m going...
The Road to Totalitarianism (Revisited)
CJ Hopkins It feels like it’s finally over, doesn’t it, the whole “apocalyptic pandemic” thing? I mean, really, really...
WATCH: Censorship & Independent Publishing in the New Normal Reich
A discussion about independent publishing and censorship with CJ Hopkins (Consent Factory), Søren Kristoffersen (Det Poetiske Bureau), Robert Cibis...
The Morning After
CJ Hopkins This is the weirdest part of the PSYOP. It’s like the morning after an office party on...
WATCH: Covid19/11 – Narratives Intertwined (Full version)
In 2021, on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, Off-Guardian asked 15 experts, including scientists, medical practitioners, journalists and activists,...
“The Rise of the New Normal Reich” banned in Germany, Austria, and The Netherlands!
CJ Hopkins So, the censorship of my latest book, The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays,...
New Normal Germany’s Geisterfahrer Geist
CJ Hopkins So, it’s official. On Wednesday, August 24, New Normal Germany’s Bundestag rubber stamped the government’s latest revision to the...
The “Unvaccinated” Question – Revisited
CJ Hopkins On 1 September, 1941, Chief of Reich Security Reinhard Heydrich, one of the most fanatical, mass-murdering Nazis,...
The Normalization of The New Normal Reich
CJ Hopkins I know, you’re probably sick and tired of hearing about the Rise of the New Normal Reich. You...
The Federal Republic of New Normal Germany
CJ Hopkins So, the government of New Normal Germany is contemplating forcing everyone to wear medical-looking masks in public...