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Pfizer “vaccine”: kill 200 to ‘save’ one?
Kit Knightly
Audio Version New Feature! In the early days of the “vaccine” rollout, we ran several articles discussing the risk-reward...
Planned Euthanasia Does Not Constitute Healthcare – No Matter How Hard You Clap For It
Iain Davis In April and June of 2020 I wrote about something I referred to as LOKIN 20. In a series...
Covid19 – the final nail in coffin of medical research
Dr Malcolm Kendrick “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in...
FDA reverses itself: rejects COVID antibody test results; insanity reigns
Jon Rappoport Even a robot programmed to “follow the science” would throw up his hands in despair while reading...
India’s lockdown may already have killed more people than “Covid”, and it will only get worse.
Chase Reed “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living...
The NHS just changed how they count Covid “cases”…here’s why.
Kit Knightly
The NHS has finally discovered the difference between "from" and "with"...just in time to help prop up the government's...
3 Tips for Checking Whether a Medical Study is Legit or Bullsh*t
Rosemary Frei, via her website You’ve just watched a video of a high-profile, Covid-sceptic speaker saying that shedding of...
Counting Covid’s Deceptive Deaths
Bernard Marx Four-thousand, nine-hundred and forty one. And rising. This number can only increase or, at best, stay the...
Covid “Vaccines”: A Faltering Framework
Dr Sadaf Gilani On April 20, The Lancet published an analysis on the efficacy of the Covid injections. This...
MORE Flagrant Data Manipulation from the CDC
Kit Knightly
A new report, published just yesterday, has provided yet more evidence that the CDC is manipulating data to conceal...
How the CDC is manipulating data to prop-up “vaccine effectiveness”
Kit Knightly
UPDATE 28/05/21 – This article was subject to a clarification.[click here] The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is...
Covid’s IFR just keeps DROPPING
Kit Knightly
With every new study, with every new paper, the “deadly” pandemic gets less and less, well, deadly. The most...
“Making something out of nothing”: PCR tests, CT values and false positives
Niels Harrit PhD
Sense is not common anymore during the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. Now you are sick until proven healthy - and...
Synthetic mRNA Covid vaccines: A Risk-Benefit Analysis
With a “vaccine” based on untested technology, and safety trials still ongoing, is it safe to take the shot?...
Lockdowns are a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Daniel Jeanmonod MD I have chosen to write this text in addition to our two earlier contributions because of...
WATCH: Covid-19 Deaths – A Look at US Data
The above video is a webinar given by Dr Genevieve Briand, a lecturer in advanced economics and statistics at...
COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud
Iain Davis COVID 19, and the subsequent governmental responses, appear to be part of an international conspiracy to commit...
WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu
Kit Knightly
As much as the WHO were attempting to spin this as a bad thing – Dr Ryan even said...
UK’s “Daily Covid Deaths” didn’t die in one day & didn’t all have Covid
Kit Knightly
The UK’s NHS England has been reporting “daily deaths” since back in March, and the media have been eagerly...
“Do you remember a winter without a cold?”
Daniel Jeanmonod MD In the context of the current overwhelming worldwide COVID-19 panic wave, this text has as goal...