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Resisting Genetically Mutilated Food & the Eco-Modern Nightmare: Together, ‘Just You and Me’
Colin Todhunter This image is symbolic of everything that is wrong with modern society. A gas leak from Union...
Illusory Guilt
Todd Hayen You are not destroying the planet. You are not a cancer to the earth that must be...
Peacocks Paradise
Sylvia Shawcross Come with me now down this path. It is a path soft with the fallen frailties of...
So what’s the REAL point of “Just Stop Oil” protests?
Kit Knightly
It seems every day lately there is a new “shocking viral video” of “desperate drivers losing patience with Just...
Sweden just scrapped their “Renewable Energy Targets”. Here’s why.
Kit Knightly
Buried behind the news of the supposed “attempted coup” in Russia this weekend, was the Swedish government’s announcement, last...
In The Flesh: The Oxford Anti-LTN March
JJ Starky Some protests are torrid affairs. Others can prove enlightening. The march last Saturday in the heart of...
DISCUSS: So, what’s with the chemical spills? [UPDATED]
UPDATED 17/02/23 to include details of previous train derailments [skip] It has been reported, in just the last hour,...
Localization: An Alternative to the New Normal
Colin Todhunter ‘World Localization Day’ will be celebrated on 20 June. Organised by the non-profit Local Futures, this annual coming...
“Operation Thermostat”: Energy rationing & the pivot from Ukraine to climate?
Kit Knightly
Italy is officially becoming the first country to start rationing energy after cutting their supply of Russian gas and...
From Rachel Carson to Monsanto: The Silence of Spring
Colin Todhunter Former Monsanto Chairman and CEO Hugh Grant is currently in the news. He is trying to avoid...
The Unseen Environmental Crises Destroying Humanity
Ryan Matters
In part 1 of this series, we looked at a recent Rockefeller policy document calling for transformative change in...
Living in Epoch-Defining Times: Food, Agriculture and the New World Order
Colin Todhunter Farmerless farms manned by driverless machines, monitored by drones and doused with chemicals to produce commodity crops...
Saving Capitalism or Saving the Planet?
Colin Todhunter The UK government’s Behavioural Insights Team helped to push the public towards accepting the COVID narrative, restrictions...
The Misanthropic Bankers Behind COP26 and the Green New Deal
Matthew Ehret Audio Version New Feature! A vast sweeping change towards a “green economy” is now being pushed by...
A Message to the EU: Address the Real Public Health Crisis by Banning Glyphosate
Colin Todhunter & Rosemary Mason The herbicide glyphosate – the most widely used herbicide on the planet – is...
Toxic Corporations Are Destroying the Planet’s Soil
Colin Todhunter A newly published analysis in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science argues that a toxic soup of...
Is a “Climate Lockdown” on the horizon?
Kit Knightly
If and when the powers-that-be decide to move on from their pandemic narrative, lockdowns won't be going anywhere. Instead,...
Campaigners: “Ban Glyphosate to protect public health!”
Colin Todhunter On 9 April 2021, retired physician and health and environmental campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason wrote to the...
Climate is the new Covid
Kit Knightly
Yesterday was Earth Day. The traditional day environmental hashtags temporarily trend across all social media sites. This year was...
Face Masks: A Danger to Our Planet, Our Children & Ourselves
Cory Morningstar It seems like only yesterday that a massive campaign against single-use plastic straws was trending. The much...