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The case for compulsory vaccinations is dead…Omicron just killed it.
Kit Knightly
Going entirely by the mainstream's own words, and completely on their own terms, any possible case for mandatory vaccinations...
A Message to the EU: Address the Real Public Health Crisis by Banning Glyphosate
Colin Todhunter & Rosemary Mason The herbicide glyphosate – the most widely used herbicide on the planet – is...
Genetic Engineering, Agriculture and Brexit: Treachery in Our Midst
Colin Todhunter The UK government has launched its public consultation on the deregulation of gene editing in England. To...
Brexit: Parliament Tethers Britain to a Failing Experiment
Kit Knightly
Brexit isn't going to happen. Left or Right - Lexit or Rexit - it's over. It's time to make...
Discuss: Johnson Prorogues Parliament
A past-master at seeming to discredit his position through association with his cartoonish buffoonery, Boris has taken it one...
The EU’s other Periphery
Frank Lee We’ll start with the 10 per capita poorest countries in the whole of Europe. In rank order:...
The Miners’ Strike: Renewed Class Struggle in Chiatura, Georgia
Sopiko Japaridze via Transnational Social Strike Platform Over 3,000 workers in the manganese mining town of Chiatura (Georgia) started...
EU Elections are Proof of Europe’s Decay
Andre Vltchek Europe, an “old” colonialist continent, is decaying, and in some places even collapsing. It senses how bad...
WATCH: Costas Lapavitsas Discusses the EU
Labour Leave Costas Lapavitsas, former member of the Syriza government, is a professor of economics at the School of...
Discuss: European Elections
The European elections are here, and Theresa May’s political future hangs in the balance. As it seems to have...
Debt is the Hidden Issue in The European Elections
The citizens of the European Union are called to vote this week for the European Parliament. It is not...
Will Albania fail again to join the EU?
Dr. Ana L. Scheer On April 11th, the majority of Parliament of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, upon request...
The Rabidly Hypocritical EU
Eric Zuesse Unlike America under Donald Trump, who is proudly psychopathic and went so far as to blurt out...
BREXIT: ‘The People Have Spoken – The Bastards’
Frank Lee The whole brouhaha around Brexit has amply demonstrated the under-hand tactics used by the losing side post-2016...
Putin Now Thinks Western Elites Are ‘Swine’
Dmitry Orlov via Russia Insider An article I published close to five years ago, “Putin to Western elites: Play-time...
International Observers to Venezuela’s Election Pen Letter to the EU
via Venezuelan Analysis In view of the ongoing Western attempt to destabilize Venezuela, we think it instructive to present...
Iron Ladies and Golden Dreams
Steven Keith It was Margaret Thatcher who as Prime Minister was the principal driving force behind the expansion of...
Geopolitics of Europe and the Iron Law of Evolutionary Biology
Europe after the Brexit, NATO 70 summit and Turkish geopolitical vertigo Professor Anis H. Bajrektarević A freshly released IMF’s...
Why is Theresa May still Prime Minister?
Kit Knightly
Theresa May's government has a strong argument for being the worst in the history of our democracy. So why...
Jacques Hogard: Europe has died in Pristina
Colonel Jacques Hogard in the European Parliament, via GeoStrategy Conference: “KOSOVO AND METOHIJA – A EUROPEAN CASE OF VIOLENT...