latest a complete list of every article on OffG in descending date order

How the West continues to fatally misunderstand Russia & Putin

Let me focus now on what has sadly become over the past few years my main area of expertise, the deteriorating political relationship between Russia and the Western alliance,...

George Monbiot: selling the 1% agenda in a Green box

The last few years have outed Monbiot, one time supposed anti-establishment figure, as nothing more than a fully establishment goon, posturing in the sad tatters of his “dissident Green”...

Consensus reality has outlived its evolutionary usefulness

The nature of reality used to be a philosophical, metaphysical contemplation. But now it’s political.

Forever AUMF Stalls at Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Renee Parsons As the Forever AUMF 2018 (SJRes 59) (Authority for the Use of Military Force) continues to await action by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, one can only...

Holding Hope Hospital Accountable

by Steven Sahiounie On April 29 of this year, the Guardian published a ‘feel good’ story about a Syrian refugee chef in London, who is cooking to support Hope...

The Boston Globe’s Hit Piece on the Assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy

Edward Curtin The counterattack on those, including Senator Robert Kennedy’s children, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, claiming that Senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated as a...

Lift the ban on communications! Free Julian Assange!

by James Coga, via WSWS June 6 will mark 10 weeks since the Ecuadorian government blocked all communication by WikiLeaks’ editor Julian Assange with the outside world, including personal...

WATCH: Robert F. Kennedy’s Speech Mourning Martin Luther King Jr.

On April 4th 1968 Martin Luther King was shot and killed in Memphis Tennessee. New York's Senator Robert F Kennedy was in Indianapolis, on the campaign trail for the...

Why the Evidence Mueller Has for the Indicting 13 Russian Nationals is Fraudulent

It's almost a shame that a headline like that won't spark anything more than casual curiosity when you consider the charges Richard Mueller is looking into. The Russian company...

The Blatant Conspiracy behind Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s Assassination

Fifty years ago on June 5 1968, Robert F. Kennedy, younger brother of the murdered president, was shot and killed under circumstances perhaps even more suspicious and bizarre than...

The problem with conspiracy theories…

The official conspiracy theory for 9/11 has led to tremendously harmful effects. Many Americans have forgotten completely what it means to be an American. An ongoing terrorism lottery,...

Pompeo Challenged at Senate Foreign Relations Committee

by Renee Parsons Newly appointed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had every reason to expect that his first official appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would be the...

VISA Payment Crash and the Dangers of a Cashless World

Yesterday, Visa's payment system crashed in Europe. Millions of people were unable to complete purchases. Some found themselves trapped overseas. It was a small glitch, apparently, but could have...

Open Source Investigation: The War on Cash

Following last nights shutdown of Visa’s payment system across large parts of Europe, we thought this would be good time to revisit the topic of money. Cold hard cash...

persistent issues with commenting or contacting us?

Following our major “problem” last Saturday, when, for unknown reasons, our site was comprehensively disrupted, we are getting reports of issues with commenting and/or contacting us. If you can,...

Venezuelan elections: chavismo still in power, US still belligerent, media still dishonest

by Ricardo Vaz from InvestigAction In a climate of dire economic war/crisis and foreign aggression, Venezuelans took to the polls to elect their president and regional legislative councils. Chavismo...

What if Babchenko had decided to stay “dead”?

What if Arkady hadn’t turned up, looking sheepish at that presser? What if he hadn’t turned up ever? What if he'd decided he couldn’t face the humiliation, or what...

Saudi Wahabbism Serves Western Imperialism

by Andre Vltchek When the Saudi Crown Prince gave an interview to the Washington Post, declaring that it was actually the West that encouraged his country to spread Wahhabism...

Of Fake News and History Suborned (In War and Peace)

Brief: The gulf dividing established institutions—governments, political parties, academia, the judiciary, legislature, bureaucracies, the national security state, think-tanks, lobby groups, and especially the mainstream media—and those within and across...

ANALYSIS: Signs of Compromise in Yulia Skripal's Statement

by Tony Kevin Tony Kevin’s summary responses to the MoA view that Yulia’s statement is suspect, because it was allegedly written under duress of some kind, and from a...