latest a complete list of every article on OffG in descending date order
Fake News: The Unravelling of US Empire From Within
by Prof. John McMurtry, via Global Research Setting the Stage of the Press-President War US ruling ideology and Washington power have become unstuck as never before. A war of...
"Experts" reveal their "evidence" of Russian "hacking"
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence convened today, hearing testimony from three “star witnesses”. If you have a spare three hours, and a strong stomach, feel free to watch...
How US Flooded the World with Psyops
by Robert Parry, from Consortium News Special Report: The mainstream U.S. media obsesses over Russian “propaganda” yet the U.S. government created a “psyops” bureaucracy three decades ago to flood...
Bana of Aleppo: the Story So Far
by Barbara McKenzie Back in 2011 there was the Gay Girl of Damascus, supposedly a young lesbian blogging from the Syrian capital in support of the Arab Spring, but...
The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller
from The Corbett Report David Rockefeller is dead. But what does it mean? How do we measure the life of someone who has shaped the modern world to such...
VIDEO: Should Montenegro join NATO?
As the US Senate votes to ratify the treaty on Montenegro becoming the 29th member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the Campaign for Neutrality in Europe have created...
CrowdStrike: How the Guardian Delivers its Fake News
Tutisicecream The emerging CrowdStrike “Russian Hack Attack” revelations show the most recent example of the Guardian along with the rest of the WMSM parroting the same fake news story...
US Has Panic Attack After Libyan Puppets Lose Control of Oil Ports
from Russia Insider Libya was the richest, most developed, most educated country in North Africa. It was a model of much-needed stability in the region, with a government that...
Weapons of mass derision: Is Russian comedy the Kremlin's secret weapon?
by Alexey Timofeychev, from Russia Beyond the Headlines NATO analysts studied Russian comedy TV programs over the past nine years and concluded that they serve the Kremlin’s political objectives...
Left degeneracy plumbs new depths
by Patricia Greanville An appeal landed in my mailbox yesterday from I suppose the editors of Mother Jones or their marketing machine in conjunction with an outfit called Citizens...
What America’s Coup in Ukraine Did
by Eric Zuesse On March 23rd, Gallup headlined “South Sudan, Haiti and Ukraine Lead World in Suffering”, and the Ukrainian part of that can unquestionably be laid at the...
Corporate media busy convincing US public that the Deep State does not exist
Caitlin Johnstone in Newslogue: The Daily Beast, whose corporate owner is co-directed by Chelsea Clinton, has made another contribution to the steadily mounting gaslighting campaign to convince the...
Snow, Death, and the Bewildered Herd
by Edward Curtin, from Global Research Few people at this hour – and I refer to the time before the breaking out of this most grim war, which is...
"What about Crimea?" – Latest narrative from Canada's foreign minister
by Roger Annis A news compilation on New Cold on March 8, 2017 reported the controversy that has broken out in Canada surrounding the family history of Canadian...
VIDEO: R2P or How the Left Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace Wars of Imperial Aggression
If the last three years have taught us anything, it is that the so-called anti-war liberal left can be made to become cheerleaders for the same war agenda that...
Global Laundromat update: "Bank did bank things with famous person"
Perhaps this is the beginning of a new series for the Guardian? Maybe in the future we can expect stories entitled “Man who voted Brexit regularly beats wife” and...
"There is no American Deep State…it just looks like there is"
Last week the New Yorker, and yesterday Salon magazine, published editorials arguing against the very existence of an "American Deep State". The arguments presented are very...interesting. Both are, perhaps,...
Fake news about Venezuela: a simple recipe
by Ricardo Vaz, from InvestigAction “Journalists” who want to write fake news about Venezuela, or about any other country or group that dares to stand up to US imperialism,...
"Global Laundromat" has the Guardian in a Spin
by Kit The latest “breaking” story from the Guardian and Luke Harding is hitting the headlines. Almost exactly 1 year after the explosive anti-climax that was “The Panama Papers”,...
The Rothschild and Saud Families Fund Both John McCain and Hillary Clinton
Eric Zuesse On 21 October 2016, I headlined “An Email From Lynn Forester de Rothschild to Hillary Clinton, Against Elizabeth Warren” and reported extensive back-door funding of Hillary Clinton...