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“New Knowledge” and the same old same old
Most of us in the UK-based alternate media are familiar with the Integrity Initiative by now. A disinformation campaign...
Syria, Then and Now: Liberated of Western-backed Terrorism
Max Parry In a surprise turn of events, last month U.S. President Donald J. Trump made the abrupt unilateral...
The Fetishization of the Corporate Media
CJ Hopkins So the corporate media have gone and done it again. As they have, repeatedly, for the last...
Buzzfeed, Question Time & the purpose of Fake News
in the last two months both Buzzfeed and The Guardian have issued "BREAKING NEWS" stories that were based...
Lies and Damned Lies: Australia, the US and the “Syria Withdrawal”
Few of us would claim we never told a lie, but neither that we did so enthusiastically. Just the...
MH17: JIT’s expiring mandate
Three and half years on, why are there still so many unanswered questions? Célia Schmidt The year is ending...
The Year of Putin-Nazi Paranoia
As my regular readers will probably recall, according to my personal, pseudo-Chinese zodiac, 2017 was “The Year of the...
“We have defeated ISIS in Syria” – Is Trump telling the truth?
Eric Zuesse At 11:52AM on Wednesday, December 19th, CBS News headlined “White House orders Pentagon to pull troops from...
UPDATED: Maria Butina Endgame
I wrote in some detail in Off-Guardian on 29 July about the 15 July arrest by the FBI...
Discuss: Kerch Strait and Azov Sea Tensions
The Guardian has a an opinion piece today, titled: The EU’s response to Russia must be bold and unanimous....
The EU and the warning signs of Fascism
Things are spiralling out of control in Europe, faster than many predicted. Outside of Brexit, there is strong anti-EU...
Bleak See on the Black Sea
Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarević Following the latest events in and around the Black Sea, two old questions are reappearing....
Andre Vltchek Interviewed in L’Antidiplomatico
Alessandro Bianchi’s interview with Andre Vltchek, originally published in L’Antidiplomatico. You can read both parts 1 and 2 in...
Uber-loser Poroshenko goes “full Saakashvili”
by Saker, November 30, 2018, via the Unz Review Petro Poroshenko is in deep trouble. His ratings have been...
DISCUSS: the “Kerch Strait crisis”
Today, Sunday November 25, an incident happened in the Black Sea that threatens to seriously escalate the ongoing tensions...
Building Bridges vs. Buying Bombs
China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” is famous as an extension of their domestic infrastructure investments, but Russia is also...
Whither Russiagate?
Philip Giraldi Two years have passed since the 2016 presidential election. Allegations that foreign interference had influenced the result,...
WATCH: Who Are These Russians And Why Do We Hate Them?
In his film, Regis Tremblay examines the history of US-Russian relations, talks to ordinary Russian people, deconstructs propaganda and...
The mega war game “Trident Juncture 2018”
This is the second of the two articles we are publishing today on NATO’s Trident Juncture 2018 military exercise...
Military Escalation in Europe Is Like Runaway Train: It’s Time to Slow It Down
This is the first of the two articles we are publishing today on NATO’s Trident Juncture 2018 military exercise...