Edward Curtin This new book by Graeme MacQueen (click here for a free e-copy) contains a collection of his articles and essays on the attacks of September 11, 2001, the...
Usually the OffG recommends articles* take the form of a review, but Network doesn’t need another review, and nor does it require our endorsement. Firmly ensconced as it is...
RK Winfield Yes, all the world a stage[1], Turned to a theatre of deceit When “Money” directs the plays. Then, it’s lies, lies, endless…the lies! All ‘agents provocateurs’ and...
CJ Hopkins So, here’s a “conspiracy theory” for you. This one is about the global-capitalist thoughtpolice and their ongoing efforts to purge society of “insensitivity.” Yes, that’s right, insensitivity....
Edward Curtin “The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus Really? Or was he...
The following poem was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon. We have both independently noticed the increasing use of terms like “bungled” and “blunder” to describe the crimes...
JR Leach It never ceases to amaze me what seemingly innocuous ideas the establishment media find ‘dangerous’ or ‘controversial’. Netflix recently released an eight-part documentary series titled Ancient Apocalypse,...
When an author tells a story they invite you, without prejudice, to share in their imagination. And when Tolkien shared his, the world had not yet seen an imagination...
Edward Curtin “Nothing is more real than nothing.” Samuel Beckett, Malone Dies Those who are never lost are forever lost. Only those who know they are lost and that life...
Aruna Rodrigues John Leake is a best-selling an “experienced non-fiction, true crime author”. Having just read what must be described as an extraordinary ‘telling’ of the COVID-19 saga, this...
Edward Curtin Human duplicity is a marvel to contemplate. This riveting documentary is an excellent example of such cunning in action, not on the part of the filmmaker who is...
Ryan Matters In Science Set Free, Rupert Sheldrake sets out to probe the shaky foundations of materialist science and question long-held beliefs that have, over time, hardened into dogmas....
Jordan Henderson Two weeks to flatten the curve will have to come to an end one year or another, and now, as certain Covid policies are loosening, some people...
Edward Curtin Despite its pedigree as a fundamental element in civilization’s greatest stories, nostalgia has come to be associated with treacly sentimentality, defeatism, and spurious spiritual inclinations. Homer, Vergil,...
Edward Curtin The person with whom we are all most intimate is oneself. It’s just the way it is. I don’t mean that in some oracular Delphic “know thyself”...
Matthew Ehret For those who find themselves with excess time this holiday season which they would prefer not to squander with idleness or Netflix binges, then I’d like to...
Edward Curtin Sixty years ago in the late fall and early winter, a seventeen-year-old blue-eyed Bronx boy went by himself to see an afternoon showing of West Side Story...
Edward Curtin This is a fascinating and beautiful book, one of those gems you serendipitously discover and shake your head at your good fortune. Although it is new and...
Ed Curtin There was a time when time was time and space and speed had some human meaning, for people lived within the limits of the natural world of...