In Part 1, I suggested a new sociopolitical model I called Voluntary Democracy. In Part 2, I expanded upon the idea, suggesting a stateless jurisdiction where people manage their own affairs but...
It’s the abuser’s Swiss army knife for the empty-headed. Multipurpose, its meaning has near-infinite elasticity. You can be labelled ‘fascist’ if you say that there are only two biological...
After months of handwringing and mud-slinging and fear-mongering, the votes have finally been cast and the outcome has been decided: the Deep State has won. Despite the billions spent to create...
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the...
Remember when you were a kid and saw “thumbscrew torture” for the first time in some late-night horror film? It was the coolest. To inflict so much pain with...
It’s been an astonishing couple of days for German judges. Well, “astonishing” if you’ve been living in a cave for the last four years. Many of you likely already...
The Berlin Prosecutor’s Office has charged political satirist (and frequent OffG contributor) CJ Hopkins with: “disseminating propaganda, the contents of which are intended to further the aims of a...
With the lifting of the thousands of regulations by which our lives were ruled for two long years there has been an understandable desire to believe that the coronavirus...
Todd Hayen Oc·cult (adjective) [ ə’kʌlt ] 1. supernatural or magic, 2. not understandable, 3. secret, 4. hidden, 5. difficult to see. All five of these definitions could describe...
Iain Davis Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is technically illegal under international law. In Part 2 we discussed why international law means virtually nothing: it does not apply equally to all states...
CJ Hopkins I told you this part wasn’t going to be pretty. The collapse of fascist ideological movements and fanatical death cults never is. The New Normal is proving...
Hiroyuki Hamada So before Covid, a local school where one of my kids used to attend had prominent race issues. Namely, teachers were being accused of being blind to...
CJ Hopkins This isn’t going to be pretty, folks. The downfall of a death cult rarely is. There is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth, incoherent fanatical...
CJ Hopkins Audio Version New Feature! So, GloboCap has crossed the Rubicon. The final phase of its transformation of society into a pathologized-totalitarian dystopia, where mandatory genetic-therapy injections and...
Ian Jenkins George Monbiot is shocked. But what has shocked George is not the rising tide of poverty and starvation in the world or the unprecedented transfer of wealth...
Building on the bitcoin model, central banks are planning to produce their own “digital currencies”. Removing any and all remaining privacy, granting total control over every transaction, even limiting...
Covid19 has been used as an excuse to increase government control of pretty much everything, pretty much everywhere. It is, without question, the greatest campaign to seize power, and...
CJ Hopkins Every totalitarian system in history has used the power of visual propaganda to generate a new “reality,” one that reifies its official ideology, remaking the world in...
CJ Hopkins Break out the Wagner, folks…the Germans are back! No, not the warm, fuzzy, pussified, peace-loving, post-war Germans … the Germans! You know the ones I mean. The “I...