I was reading an article from KW Norton Borders about AI going rogue and for whatever reason my brain responded in an odd way. Let me try to explain....
Recently the Telegraph published “I’d Like to believe the Moon landings were fake – the alternative is far bleaker.” It’s an anonymous editorial, posing as a movie review. The...
Well, here in the UK we have a new Trilaterist….er, sorry, I meant Labour government, led by the charismatic Keir Starmer. Likened to a dish rag, and not without...
Well, what do you know, it looks like we’ve got another “CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY” on our hands. Yes, that’s right, folks, THE VERY FABRIC OF DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE...
So many people I read or talk to seem to think that we shrews are making inroads, primarily in the court system. “This is all crumbling down,” they cheer....
Please note this is a humour piece which is not something people may want to read depending on the state of your country and how demoralized/angry you may be...
“Take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties.” James Madison James Madison, often referred to as the “Father of the Constitution,” once predicted that the Bill of Rights...
Recently my sister gave me an article written in a weekly magazine that the El Convento Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico printed back in 1963. The little magazine...
The UK Metereological Office has just reported that we have enjoyed the hottest May on record. Meanwhile, those of us who have lived in the UK during May have...
The heavy rains are rich with life in the Spring. Even when the lilacs have died and the wafting scent of lily-of-the-valley has faded. Summer will come very soon,...
“I did not know Israel was capturing or recording my face. [But Israel has] been watching us for years from the sky with their drones. They have been watching us...
Del Bigtree recently devoted a segment on his popular program, The Highwire, on the advent of AI in commercial music. Del created a theme song for The Highwire on one of many AI...
In the morning, the bobolink sings. It always heartens me—listening to the morning chorus of creatures waking up to the sun singing. Imagine. When was the last time any...
I suppose my title could have been couched in the singular form, as Hermann Hesse, the Nobel Prize winning German/Swiss author, did with his collection of anti-war essays about...
If you think about it, you know perfectly well what you’re allowed to say. You know what most people will nod in agreement with, and what, on the other...
Kate Middleton has cancer. The King of England has cancer. Every day we hear of more and more people diagnosed with cancer—many of them quite young. And not a...
Now, Godot the raccoon, now aptly named Myrtle-Godot arrived plump and tired and fuzzy at dawn for what would be her morning feed. She laid her cool fingers on...