As you all know, the UK is in the throes of campaigning following the announcement of an “election” on July 4th. One particular campaign promise has already caused a...
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced that the UK’s next General Election will be held on July 4th. Speaking in the rain outside No 10 less than an...
Today marks four years to the day since the UK went into “lockdown” for the first time. What an exciting time that was, right? With the pan-banging and the...
Kit Knightly The UK’s Parliamentary constituency of Rochdale held a by-election on Friday, and George Galloway won. First I want to say we agree with GG about a lot...
Iain Davis As Scotty once said “I can’t take it Captain!” If I have to read, see or hear one more legacy media report about the monumental farce that is the...
Simon Elmer I and the public know What all schoolchildren learn, Those to whom evil is done Do evil in return. W. H. Auden Here are ten questions everyone...
Tomorrow is Armistice Day in the UK. It’s also the scheduled time of a “million man march” in support of Palestine. There was a time, just a few short...
Gavin O’Reilly Last Thursday it was announced that the southern Irish state would roll out Flu jabs to all schoolchildren under its jurisdiction, despite the fact that children are...
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the...
Simon Elmer One of the obstacles to understanding the managed and apparently deliberate destruction of the small and medium-sized businesses that in the UK have decreased in number by...
It’s official, Rishi Sunak is the UK’s new Prime Minister. That’s the fourth in less than three years, for those keeping score at home. And in a monument to...
After months of the media talking about it as if it has the potential to make any kind of difference at all, the Tory leadership contest is over and...
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the...
Boris Johnson has resigned as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. In other breaking news that’s just as likely to seriously impact your life, Big Mo is returning to...
Our UK readers will be familiar with the press coverage of the cost of living crisis in this country, as wages continue to fall further and further behind inflation,...
Building on the bitcoin model, central banks are planning to produce their own “digital currencies”. Removing any and all remaining privacy, granting total control over every transaction, even limiting...