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The Deep State Goes Shallow 2.0
Edward Curtin This article was first published on February 21, 2017, one month after Donald Trump was sworn in...
Why Does Chris Hedges Hedge His Bets?
Revelations about the machinations of the so-called “deep state’s” conspiracies often conceal deeper truths that go unmentioned. This is...
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?
Back in the 1960s, the CIA official Cord Meyer said the agency needed to “court the compatible left.” ...
A Do Nothing Anti-Labor Day: A Modest Proposal
Edward Curtin In a country with a Mount Rushmore that celebrates the ruthless and frenetic westward expansion, it might...
Jeffrey Epstein and the Spectacle of Secrecy
Edward Curtin When phrases such as “the deep state” and “conspiracy theory” become staples of both the corporate mainstream...
The Canaries That Sang “Things Suck”
Edward Curtin Don’t get me wrong. I am not foul-mouthed or in any way vulgar, having been trained in...
When Warriors Become Saints
Edward Curtin As I sit on the small balcony on the top floor of an old house in the...
Much Ado About Nothing: Asking Who Won the Political Debates
Edward Curtin It amazes me that alternative journalists would spend even a minute writing about the ongoing Democratic Party...
Happenings in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave
Edward Curtin There’s something happening here What it is ain’t exactly clear.” Buffalo Springfield The Sunday newspaper had been...
Once Upon a Time Never Comes Again
The lobby of the temple of time travel called the Triplex Cinema in Great Barrington, Massachusetts was suffused with...
Speeding into the Void of Cyberspace as Designed
Speed and panic go hand-in-hand in today’s fabricated world of engineered emergencies and digital alerts. “We have no time”...
Answering the Mysterious Call of An Artist’s Spiritual Vocation
Edward Curtin Friend, hope for the Guest while you are alive.” Kabir, To Be a Slave of Intensity Strange...
Looking Through the Screen at the World’s Suffering
Most people on this earth live on the edge of an abyss. Life is a daily struggle to stay...
Between Yes and No, Heaven and Earth with Albert Camus on a Spring Morning
Edward Curtin To give up beauty and the sensual happiness that comes with it and devote one’s self exclusively...
A Marriage of Conscience: Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning
Edward Curtin “About suffering they were never wrong,” wrote W. H. Auden in the poem “Musée Des Beaux Arts.”...
The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s is the Story of Our Times
A Quasi-Review of A Lie Too Big To Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy...
News and Propaganda by Omission: The Suppression of a Major Spy Study
While there is much talk these days about “fake news” and an enormous amount of claptrap following the collapse...
A Conspiracy Theorist Confesses to his Petty Crimes
I am not referring to the conspiracy theories of George W. Bush, Colin Powell, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Donald...
The Fascinating Spell Cast by Weasels
Edward Curtin Ah, mon cher, for anyone who is alone, without God and without a master, the weight of...
Counterpunch Shadowboxes and Loses
Edward Curtin In a fair boxing match, opponents enter the ring with similarly padded gloves and battle under the...