Del Bigtree recently devoted a segment on his popular program, The Highwire, on the advent of AI in commercial music. Del created a theme song for The Highwire on one of many AI...
VN Alexander 2023 was the year that an artificial intelligence (AI) known as ChatGPT-4 spectacularly passed the Turing Test. For a hundred million users, interacting with the Chat bot...
Sylvia shawcross So I was on the phone to a government department and was speaking to the computer. Or rather the computer was speaking to me. Going on and...
VN Alexander I’ve never wanted to be able to control any of my devices with my thoughts. I am perfectly happy to use a physical interface that I can...
Sylvia Shawcross Now I know I promised last time that I might tell you the tragic tale of the Luna moth during its larval development but it is such...
Following up on their conversation from a few days ago, Jesse Zurawell and Iain Davis reunite to continue their discussion of the rise global technocracy. You can listen to...
Binoy Kampmark The ghost of Edward Teller must have been doing the rounds between members of the National Commission on Artificial Intelligence. The father of the hydrogen bomb was...
Colin Todhunter Contingent on World Bank aid to be given to poorer countries in the wake of coronavirus lockdowns, agrifood conglomerates will aim to further expand their influence. These...
John Steppling If you want to deprive citizens of freedom of movement, freedom of assembly and the right to family life, there should be written reasons. They ask the...
In the fertile Arkansas Delta lies a small town called Cash. Its name is an Anglicized version of a nearby river, Cache, which in French means “hidden.” A cache...