Kit Knightly Everyone is talking about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two-hour long conversation was live-streamed on twitter. Every major news outlet has had some...
VN Alexander If you read and believe headlines, it seems scientists are very close to being able to merge human brains with AI. In mid-December 2023, a Nature Electronics article triggered a flurry of...
Kit Knightly The “obesity epidemic” has been in the news a lot recently. That makes me suspicious. Now before we go any further let’s be clear I’m NOT advocating...
As the WEF and WHO drum up fear of “Disease X” there is a new set of narrative gatekeepers assembling a phony Dream Team of ‘covid dissidents.’ The trouble...
CJ Hopkins It’s never a very enjoyable experience, facing the fact that you’ve been bamboozled. Realizing that you’ve fallen prey to an elaborate con, or PYSOP, is painful. It’s...
Karen Hunt “…With tears and toiling breath, I find thy cunning seeds, O million-murdering Death.” Ronald Ross, written in August 1897, following his discovery of malaria parasites in anopheline...
Karen Hunt “Forget the fountain of youth, pal of mine. You can live to be a thousand, and it won’t matter. Mediocrities like you deserve immortality.” Gary Shteyngart, Super...
CJ Hopkins Well, it was touch and go there for a while, but it appears “free speech” has been saved again! That’s right, as I’m sure you’ve heard by...
CJ hopkins Reality isn’t what it used to be. It never really was, but that’s another story. This one isn’t about reality per se. It’s about the War on...
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the...
Karen Hunt Our fearless leaders love war. They love talking about it. They love playing war games. They love fighting in actual wars. That’s because they always benefit from...
CJ Hopkins The following is an open letter to Ella G. Irwin, Head of Twitter Trust and Safety, and Elon Musk, CEO of Twitter, and anyone else at Twitter,...
VN Alexander I’ve never wanted to be able to control any of my devices with my thoughts. I am perfectly happy to use a physical interface that I can...
iain Davis There is a whiff of desperation in the air and it is emanating from the BBC. In a car crash of an interview, reminiscent of Kathy Newman’s self-immolating attempt...
CJ Hopkins And so the “Twitter Files” Limited Hangout has come to its inevitable, ignominious end. It is over. The Twitter-Files story is dead. It isn’t pining for the...
CJ Hopkins I think something is seriously wrong with my brain. Yesterday, I hallucinated that Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified before a subcommittee of the US House of...
Martin Hanson I don’t normally watch TVNZ’s Seven Sharp, but on 5th October 2021 we were told that an immunologist would be on the programme to debunk certain ‘Covid...
CJ Hopkins So, Matt Taibbi is going after the Consent Factory. No, not my blog. The actual Consent Factory. The unimaginably powerful, mostly decentralized, global-capitalist propaganda apparatus that manufactures...
CJ Hopkins The Mother of All Limited Hangouts has begun. Yes, I’m talking about the “Covid Twitter Files,” which are finally being released to the public, in almost textbook...