Ode to the Young Doctor in Gaza To the Muslim doctor in Gaza, his soft, dark eyes, gloved hands gently placed on a dusty, bloodied Palestinian child, with matted...
“Accomplished fingers begin to play. Their eyes mid many wrinkles, their eyes, Their ancient, glittering eyes, are gay.” WB Yeats, Lapus Lazuli The old man in the Irish cap sat...
I was asking this question recently when the nightmare of the Israeli genocide of Palestinians greatly disturbed my reflections and took me in another writerly direction. Now I wish...
It is no different now. The yearning still gnaws. The night dark, utterly silent, Sky stretched endlessly back Into an infinity beyond reach. And the fears, the tears Are...
The people’s expectations have evolved in general from satisfying basic needs to improving the quality of life, and their demands at different levels and in various areas are becoming...
Simon Elmer Der Zauberlehrling (1797) is the title of a famous ballad by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a re-telling of an ancient Egyptian myth that was later put to...
Edward curtin By the lake’s lapping shore above the town and the railroad tracks, my wife and I stopped and marveled, struck stone silent by two dazzling Baltimore Orioles,...
For my dear friend, Graeme MacQueen, the great 9/11 writer, who departed yesterday from life’s mystery to the other. When you are ready And the day dawns Remember how...
“All things transient are but a parable” Goethe, Faust These books are killing me he thought. The sun has risen, the bells toll eight. I’ve tried to learn before...
The following poem was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon. We have both independently noticed the increasing use of terms like “bungled” and “blunder” to describe the crimes...
“The most incomprehensible talk comes from people who have no other use for language than to make themselves understood.” Karl Kraus, Half-Truths & One-and-a-Half Truths Things, possessions, life on the...
Edward Curtin “There’s a blaze of light in every word It doesn’t matter which you heard The holy or the broken Hallelujah” Leonard Cohen, Hallelujah The last time I was...
Edward Curtin This year marks the seventieth anniversary of the theologian Paul Tillich’s famous book, The Courage to Be. Widely read in the days when an educated public read...
This Sunday morning we want to greet our readers with something beautiful for our Covid Positive section. This poem was sent to us on Facebook is perfect antidote to...
Korvus Korax TAKE 1 In the bread and circuses phase of an empire’s waning days skillfully framed spin-riddled reports devised and arranged to shape not reflect reality...
Alison Banville I wanna break lockdown with you Look what it’s turned me into… Fuck Thursday clapping! I’d rather a nap Than perform like a seal in a zoo...
Edward Curtin It was early morning on St. Patrick’s Day and I was sitting in the kitchen eating a few slices of delicious Irish Soda Bread. My wife had...
JR Leach I had this vision back last spring, When the land was ruled by corrupted kings, And greed was fuelled by hoarding things, But things that one could...