Edward Curtin “The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus Really? Or was he...
Todd Hayen In Dr. Mattias Desmet’s insightful book The Psychology of Totalitarianism he posits that one of the primary problems of today’s culture is that many people believe they...
“The most incomprehensible talk comes from people who have no other use for language than to make themselves understood.” Karl Kraus, Half-Truths & One-and-a-Half Truths Things, possessions, life on the...
Todd Hayen “Voodoo Vaccine” seemed like a catchy title, but a more apt title for this article would be something like, “How the Covid Vaccine is More Like Superstition...
Edward Curtin Audio Version New Feature! Isn’t it always? With the start of World War III by the United States “declaring” war against Russia by its actions in Ukraine,...
Jordan Henderson A Facemask for the Christian Right – The Pledge of Allegiance The pledge of allegiance is a similar ritual to Covid facemask wearing: it is a ritual...
Christine E. Black Sally had drawn a Confederate flag picture on the cover of her writing journal that sat on her desk. She was before me in the front...
Edward Curtin This year marks the seventieth anniversary of the theologian Paul Tillich’s famous book, The Courage to Be. Widely read in the days when an educated public read...
Trevor in Trimley Dear Bishop Welby, I recently heard an interview you gave in the run-up to Christmas (2021) in which you said you couldn’t understand people who don’t...
Edward Curtin The person with whom we are all most intimate is oneself. It’s just the way it is. I don’t mean that in some oracular Delphic “know thyself”...
Julien Charles In Kurt Vonnegut’s classic novel Cat’s Cradle, the deadpan realist from the Midwest–the 20th century’s Mark Twain–delivers an instructive review of the way in which Americans hold...
Ryan Matters When the famous quantum theorist, David Bohm, read Jiddu Krishnamurti’s “The First and Last Freedom”, he was blown away by his insight and knowledge regarding the phenomenon...
Guy Crittenden Let’s face it: many spiritual practitioners don’t have much of a ground game, at least when it comes to fighting totalitarian takeovers. I’ve seen this writ small...
Edward Curtin Once upon a time in my youthful naiveté, I would mock those who said they believed in out-of-space aliens and flying saucers. In my hubris, I even...
Michael Lesher “A spirit [of piety] is characterized not only by what it does but, no less, by what it permits.” Rabbi Leo Baeck One consequence of being Jewish...
Today is a day to celebrate the prophetic voice and witness of Fr. Daniel Berrigan, the non-violent anti-war activist and poet, whose life and witness has touched so many...
John Griffin ASSESSMENT REPORT #5 (Final): GALACTIC INNER PERIPHERY ARCHIVE Excellency, As Sol transits the Dark zone, we expect a further deterioration in the expression of consciousness of some...
At my Quaker Meeting, occasionally someone will say, “Could we have some silence please?” especially during a business meeting, which we call Meeting for Worship with a Concern for...
Edward Curtin As I sit on the small balcony on the top floor of an old house in the working-class neighborhood of Alfama in Lisbon, Portugal, it is early...
Eddison Flame Trouble I look around at the world and I see wars and violence occurring everywhere. I see my government making wars, bulling smaller poorer nations. I see...