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The first “climate change” diagnosis is here. It will not be the last.
Kit Knightly
Doctor Kyle Merritt, an attending physician at an emergency department in Nelson BC, added “climate change” as a contributing...
The Misanthropic Bankers Behind COP26 and the Green New Deal
Matthew Ehret Audio Version New Feature! A vast sweeping change towards a “green economy” is now being pushed by...
DISCUSS: COP26 gets underway…
The big day is here – today the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, better known...
The IPCC Report & the Pivot from Covid to Climate
Kit Knightly
The latest IPCC report on climate change was released last week, and has signalled a sea-change in the ongoing...
The Organic Human: An Endangered Species
Lucy Davies Ever since I offered my 2-year-old daughter a banana in a playgroup & she yelled at the...
WATCH: Eating less meat won’t save the planet. Here’s why.
This video from YouTuber What I’ve Learned, released in April this year, is the best argument against the common...
Is a “Climate Lockdown” on the horizon?
Kit Knightly
If and when the powers-that-be decide to move on from their pandemic narrative, lockdowns won't be going anywhere. Instead,...
Climate is the new Covid
Kit Knightly
Yesterday was Earth Day. The traditional day environmental hashtags temporarily trend across all social media sites. This year was...
WATCH: Absolute Slavery – Zero Carbon Agenda Deconstructed
What is a zero-carbon future? What does it look like? To imagine, turn off your heater. No airports. No...
EHRC “Youth Climate Case” could see courts forcing policy on nation-states
Kit Knightly
The European Court of Human Rights is prepping to hear a civil case brought against the governments of 33...
No Class
John Steppling In class society, everyone lives as a member of a particular class, and every kind of thinking,...
Climate and the Money Trail
Whatever one may believe about the dangers of CO2 and risks of global warming creating a global catastrophe in...
In Defense of Cory Morningstar & “Manufacturing for Consent”
Hiroyuki Hamada Good investigative journalism doesn’t only reveal hidden mechanisms of our time; it also exposes those who refuse...
From Dollar Hegemony to Global Warming: Globalization, Glyphosate and Doctrines of Consent
Colin Todhunter There has been an on-going tectonic shift in the West since the abandonment of the Bretton Woods...
Global Warming, Carbon Dioxide and the Solar Minimum
Since Climate Change (CC) has been a constant of life on Gaia with the evolution of photosynthesis 3.2 billion...
Names and Locations of the Top 100 People Killing the Planet
by Jordan Engel, 13 June 2019, via Films for Action “The earth is not dying, it is being killed,...
The Green New Deal – hot air or genuine sustainability?
It’s World Environment Day. A YouGov poll puts concern for the environment at a record high Today is #WorldEnvironmentDay...
Above Us the Waves
W Stephen Gilbert The salient point about Cassandra the mythological princess, and Dr Stockmann in Ibsen’s An Enemy of...
Red And Green Should Never Be Seen
David Lindsay “I also look forward to meeting with Chairman Kim who realizes so well that North Korea possesses...
Review: Unprecedented Crime
The unprecedented crime Peter Carter and Elizabeth Woodworth refer to in the title is that of willfully causing global...