latest a complete list of every article on OffG in descending date order

Exposed: The Guardian’s Collusion in State Censorship

Thomas Scripps Minutes of Ministry of Defence (MoD) meetings have confirmed the role of Britain’s Guardian newspaper as a mouthpiece for the intelligence agencies. Last week, independent journalist Matt...

Grenfell – Two Years On

The Cynic The tragedy of the Grenfell Tower blaze affects every person in the country, not just those living in tower blocks. Many of the safety issues potentially reach...

The Ongoing Restructuring of the Greater Middle East

The full force of the U.S. military was about to be brought to bear upon a package of top-level Iranian targets with no strategic value whatsoever. Apparently, “planes were...

BorisGate is Beneath Us

Is that the politics we want? A system where people are secretly recorded during their private, unflattering moments and then held up to public ridicule and censure?

Once Upon a Time Never Comes Again

The lobby of the temple of time travel called the Triplex Cinema in Great Barrington, Massachusetts was suffused with a nostalgic vibe tinged with the whiff of encroaching death...

Guardian Continues to Promote “Progressive” Censorship

Personally, I love the phrase "For public dialogue to make any progress, it is important to recognise when a particular debate has been won and leave it there", wonderful....

US and Canada Back the White Supremist Minority in Venezuela

David William Pear Racism is one of the main engines and expressions of the current counter-revolution. In Venezuela the revolutionary struggle to end white supremacy and for self-determination is...

Wake Up, Damn it!

Andre Vltchek Year after year, month after month, I see two sides of the world; two extremes which are getting more and more disconnected: I see great cities like...

Global Warming, Carbon Dioxide and the Solar Minimum

Since Climate Change (CC) has been a constant of life on Gaia with the evolution of photosynthesis 3.2 billion years ago and has more complexities than this one essay...

Gulf of Oman: International Context

Tony Kevin It is now clear that the US has manufactured a false case against Iran for the two-tanker sabotage incident in the Gulf of Oman on 13 June....

The Fragility of Democracy: Hong Kong, China and the Extradition Bill

Binoy Kampmark It has been a history of turns and the occasional betrayal, but Hong Kong’s experiment with democracy, incubated within the Special Administrative Region, was always going to...

Discuss: MH17 “suspects” named

Dutch Prosecutors have finally – five years later – named the first suspects in the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over the Donbass region of Ukraine in July...

The Case that Obama Was a Traitor Just Got Powerful New Evidence — From the DNC!

Eric Zuesse The case that Obama’s team concocted Russiagate in order to weaken Trump if Trump were to win the Presidency has just received an important admission. The Government...

Pandas and Sanctions: Diplomacy vs Extortion

Andre Vltchek While the United States has been intimidating dozens of countries all over the world, two cuddly Chinese giant pandas – a three-year-old male called Ru Yi, and...

Dominoes, Hegemonies and the Future of Humanity

Marwan Salamah What did the domino tile say to its neighbour? “Don’t worry, it is happening far away!” and they both happily continued to stare at their ‘white dots’,...

Encouraging Illegal Planting of Bt Brinjal in India

Colin Todhunter In February 2010, the Indian government placed an indefinite moratorium on the commercial release of Bt brinjal. Prior to this decision, numerous independent scientific experts from India...

REVIEW: Generations apart – high hopes and stolen dreams

>There was a time, in the not-so-distant past, when the English fishing town of Grimsby proudly lived up to its full name – Great Grimsby (so named to distinguish...

Speeding into the Void of Cyberspace as Designed

Speed and panic go hand-in-hand in today’s fabricated world of engineered emergencies and digital alerts. “We have no time” is today’s mantra – “We are running out of time”...

Names and Locations of the Top 100 People Killing the Planet

by Jordan Engel, 13 June 2019, via Films for Action “The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.”...

Cleansing the Platforms: YouTube, Censorship and Grievance

Stripping the altars, burning the heretics and cleansing the stables are the usual fare of a morally crazed order. The engaged agents think they have found the reason for...