latest a complete list of every article on OffG in descending date order
The Foolish at Night
Sylvia Shawcross The foolish-hearted people exist in this world more than we really know. The foolish-hearted people do foolish-hearted things because their heart has its own language and sense...
Meet the New Normal, Same as the Old Normal: You Are Still the Enemy Within
Colin Todhunter Today, we are witnessing the nudging (manipulation) of the population to accept a ‘new normal’ based on a climate emergency narrative, restrictions on movement and travel, programmable...
The Other 9/11 – Chilean Coup 50 Years On
Michel Chossudovsky Half a century ago on September 11, 1973, the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet, crushed the democratically elected Unidad Popular government of Salvador Allende. The objective was to...
Fauci just admitted masks don’t work…but why?
A few days ago former White House chief medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci admitted the evidence supporting mask mandates was weak. Why would he do this as they appear...
AUDIO: Iain Davis on Perspective with Jesse Zurawell – Sept 2nd 2023
Iain Davis returns to Perspective to discuss his on-going series of articles on “Synthetic Hegemonic Currency” (available on Geopolitics & Empire). TNT Radio is a 24/7 internet radio station,...
How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics
John & Nisha Whitehead “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down...
My Journey From Illness And Despair Towards Truth
Kevin Smith An awakening Whether religious or not, I think many readers here will relate to some of these experiences. In 2014 I was working for a UK organization...
Numbed by Numbers on the Way to the Digital Palace
Edward Curtin “But yet mathematical certainty is after all, something insufferable. Twice two makes four seems to me simply a piece of insolence. Twice two makes four is a...
The Metaphysical as a Rational Option
Todd Hayen One thing I believe my bent toward metaphysics has prepared me for is when something that falls into the realm of the “unseen” then becomes “seen,” I...
WATCH: Modeling Disobedience
Here, deep into 2023, what are the worst things happening – the most dangerous and important things that we’re facing – and what’s the good news? Who are the...
Peacocks Paradise
Sylvia Shawcross Come with me now down this path. It is a path soft with the fallen frailties of the forest, rusted leaves and bits of seeds and twisted...
2023: A Strange Odyssey
Riley Waggaman The algorithm demands more efficient coffee! Roscosmos, which is a black budget Masonic scam just like NASA (it’s just a joke, relax—OR IS IT?), recently crashed a...
Deconstructing Marianna in Conspiracyland: Part V
Iain Davis Throughout the introduction and Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, we have established some key facts about the BBC’s “Marianna Spring in Conspiracyland” podcast series. The BBC...
“Let’s Kill All the Lawyers”- The REAL Trouble with the Trump Indictment
Michael Lesher “The first thing we do,” says Dick the Butcher in Shakespeare’s early history play Henry VI, Part II – “let’s kill all the lawyers.” In Shakespeare’s telling,...
We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup, Waiting to be Matched with a Crime
John & Nisha Whitehead “Make no mistake about it…your DNA can be taken and entered into a national DNA database if you are ever arrested, rightly or wrongly, and...
WATCH: The Hike That Killed Five Schoolboys
In April 1936, the bodies of five English schoolboys were found half-buried in the snow in the German Black Forest. The truth behind this appalling tragedy quickly became lost...
Cure By Suicide
Todd Hayen One of the cool things (or so it seems) about Canada is National Health Care. A bad thing that comes with it (among many) is the government...
WATCH: Take Back Our Tech – #SolutionsWatch
Ramiro Romani of and joins James Corbett on the latest edition of SolutionsWatch to discuss technology: what it is, how it works, and how we can make...
The Road to Totalitarianism – Part 3
CJ Hopkins So, the Germans are putting me on trial for my thoughtcrimes, and, apparently, I’ve already been found guilty and sentenced. Bear with me and I’ll try to...
German Courts Are Going FULL Dystopia
It’s been an astonishing couple of days for German judges. Well, “astonishing” if you’ve been living in a cave for the last four years. Many of you likely already...