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The Alibi of Tyrants
Julien Charles “The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides...
The Death of Science and the Rebirth of Superstition
Todd Hayen PhD “Science denier!!” A snarky phrase I am sure most of you have heard many times. In...
The Masquerade
Edward Curtin Audio Version New Feature! “They didn’t act like people and they didn’t act like actors. It’s hard...
The Banners of the King of Hell Advance
Edward Curtin “Vexilla regis prodeunt Inferni” Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy: The Inferno Audio Version New Feature! Try to look...
The End of the Speed Limit on the Highway to Nowhere
Ed Curtin There was a time when time was time and space and speed had some human meaning, for...
Covid-19: Fear, Anxiety and Voodoo Death
Ryan Matters Death counters, case counters, faulty tests to inflate death numbers, footage of patients on ventilators, apparent corpses...
The Return to “Reality”: The Greatest Casualty of 9/11
Anis Shivani [The attacks]…were the greatest work of art imaginable for the whole cosmos…. Minds achieving something in an...
The Houses of Dead and Crooked Souls
Edward Curtin “A house constitutes a body of images that give mankind proofs or illusions of stability.” Gaston Bachelard, The...
Will the Year of the Cow End with a Mu?
John Griffin If you ever thought of becoming a philosopher, now’s the time. In fact, now is the only...
Drinking Coffee in the Early Morning Rain and Thinking of Donald Rumsfeld
Edward Curtin It’s been raining incessantly for three days. It is a cool early morning in the beginning of...
Alien Minds and the Will to Believe
Edward Curtin Once upon a time in my youthful naiveté, I would mock those who said they believed in...
Cell Phones: The Elephant in the Room
Edward Curtin It is difficult to talk to addicts about addictions and it is even harder to do so...
The Etymological Animal Must Slip Out of the Cage of Habit to Grasp Truth
Edward Curtin Etymology – from Greek, etymos, true, real, actual (the study of roots) Life is full of slips....
An Epidemic of Low Expectations
David Perez Years ago, I was sitting in a café with my rabble-rousing friend James, both of us gnawing...
The Capture of Goodness
Sinead Murphy ‘Goodness’ is not the word I wanted to use in this article. But ‘ethics’ sounded too abstract,...
Denying the Demonic
Edward Curtin In March of last year as the coronavirus panic was starting, I wrote a somewhat flippant article...
The Workers Who Make the Clouds
David Perez Hardly a day goes by without news of the multi-sided impact of the digital world, how it...
Rise Up, Say the Birds to the Bread
Edward Curtin It was early morning on St. Patrick’s Day and I was sitting in the kitchen eating a...
The Pine-eyed Boy Escapes from the Belly of the Dark Night in the Fish’s Tale
Edward Curtin It’s hard to say where things begin, but they do, as do we, and we are somehow...
The Invincible Green Stick of Happiness
Edward Curtin After a night of haunting dreams that flowed as if they were written like running water, written...