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Joe Biden Unlawful Aggression in Syria Signals the Endgame in the Region
Vanessa Beeley The “build back better” government with Joe Biden at the helm waited 40 days after inauguration to...
Delusions of Self-Defense: Biden Bombs Syria
Binoy Kampmark Every power worth its portion of salt in the Levant these days seems to be doing it....
Discuss: The US Bombs Syria. Again.
America committed a war crime last night. Another one. We’re so used to it happening that we’ve installed a...
WATCH: BBC Prepares Hit Piece on Independent Journalists
Vanessa Beeley joins James Corbett to discuss the BBC’s forthcoming hit piece on journalists like herself who dare call...
The War on Truth, Dissent and Free Speech
Dr Piers Robinson On Saturday 13 June 2020 the Times newspaper published its third attack on academics associated with...
Caesar’s Palace: 5 questions on America’s latest round of Syria sanctions
While debate rages on whether the statues of colonial plunderers should be tossed into rivers or otherwise removed as...
Douma Incident and Forensic Architecture – The Emails
Philip Watson With the launch of “Declassified UK”, an “Independent” media outlet that will, apparently, act as an outlet...
Erdogan & Putin’s Moscow Meeting
Eric Zuesse On Thursday, March 5th, Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan met privately with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in Moscow,...
Syria’s War of Self-Defence
David Macilwain Continuing in efforts to get the OPCW fraud exposed to the Western mainstream media’s sheltered and blinkered...
The Syrian Army in Idlib
Philip Roddis This video may cause distress. Taken by their Isis captors in May 2016, it shows the humiliation...
Could Ankara’s temper tantrum lead to escalation in Syria?
Andre Vltchek So far Turkey, militarily the second mightiest NATO country, has been able to get away with virtually...
Policy of Self-Destruction: Turkey supplying military equipment to Syrian “moderates”
Ahmed Al-Khaled Amid a surge in military operations in Idlib governorate, Turkey has been gradually escalating military provocations, creating...
TRANSCRIPT: Parliament House OPCW Presentation
Yesterday the OPCW released the results of their “independent investigation” into their leaks. The finding is that the two...
OPCW Report (Predictably) Smears Whistleblowers
Kit Knightly The OPCW has released a briefing note summarising the recent “independent investigation” into their recent Titanic-sized leaks....
WATCH: Former OPCW Inspector Testifies at the UNSC
Yesterday the UNSC held a special panel to discuss the reliability and impartiality of the OPCW, most specifically regarding...
WATCH: Wikileaks Documents Further Discredit OPCW
This video, made by RT, is a great rundown on the current state of the OPCW’s “official report” on...
Crimes of the century – truth, perception and punishment
Kevin Smith “You didn’t think that one through, did you, @eliothiggins sweetie? You’re not in the ladies’ lingerie trade...
As official Douma narrative crumbles, mainstream already constructing backstop
Catte Black The official narrative on the OPCW’s deception about the alleged ‘chlorine gas attack’ on Douma, Syria, in...
How the Pro-War “Left” Fell for the Kurds in Syria
Max Parry The October decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to withdraw American troops from northeastern Syria did not...
Knocking off the Odd Man Out
David Macilwain Following the alleged US raid and destruction of a house in NW Syria on 28th October where...