The Covid pandemic was fake. I’m not talking about whether or not the disease existed, that’s moot, because the pandemic was fake. The photos of dead bodies on the...
There are a variety of debates that one can jump into concerning the alleged pandemic. The viruses don’t exist crowd say that no scientific evidence exists that any virus has ever been...
The “lab leak” theory is in the news again. It is essentially revealed as a mainstream position now. As we always predicted it would be. Two weeks ago the...
British-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca is halting production and supply of their Covid19 “vaccine”. The news was announced yesterday, following the European Medicines Agency declaration that the shot would no...
Today marks four years to the day since the UK went into “lockdown” for the first time. What an exciting time that was, right? With the pan-banging and the...
John & Nisha Whitehead “The remedy is worse than the disease.” Francis Bacon The government never cedes power willingly. Neither should we. If the COVID-19 debacle taught us one...
Todd Hayen The ultimate “good for you” is to be dead. At least that is what it would be if some outside authority, or entity, was watching our human...
Kevin Ryan In 2020, I gave a presentation that compared the unfolding events of Covid to the crimes of 9/11. In it I described eleven features and outcomes of the 9/11...
John & Nisha Whitehead “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of...
The big news the last couple of days is that “Covid” is back…again. This time it’s the “Eris” variant, named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord, it...
Todd Hayen Remember those dot games? Where you would spend hours going through a book of numbered dots, connecting them with a line starting at a dot numbered “1”...
Sinéad Murphy The University of Sunderland is advertising ‘masterclasses’ in ‘Menopause in the Workplace.’ The ad has been running on Smooth Radio, a station under the umbrella of Global...
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the...
A new study from Northwestern University has concluded that the majority of “Covid19” patients put on ventilators were actually killed by bacterial pneumonia, not the alleged virus. You can...
The world has moved pretty quickly in the last three years, changed to the point of being almost unrecognisable, and if you want to understand how it all started...
Michael Bryant On the third anniversary of the WHO declaring “Covid” a “pandemic”, we take a detailed look at how Italy provided the perfect platform for creating, and then...
Riley Waggaman The lab leak theory has officially gone mainstream thanks to the Wall Street Journal and its 130-year track record of being wrong about everything. To summarize the paper’s findings: “China.” On...
The “covid was a lab leak” story was always a back door official narrative that reinforced the reality of the “pandemic” while appearing to be a suppressed “alternative”. You...