The UK’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) announced yesterday that they are changing the way they calculate “excess deaths” across the country. “Deaths above expected” or “excess deaths” is...
We are choosing to re-publish this article, first published by Watts Up With That a couple of years ago, because it can teach a couple important lessons on the...
The buzz in the Climate Change news is that the five hottest days in the last 100,000 years all happened last week, according to the World Meteorological Organization. You...
Yesterday Sky News and the Huffington Post and several other outlets all flared up near-identical headlines warning that … Covid Infections Increase For First Time In Two Months The...
Just as “three weeks to flatten the curve” turned into around 18-months (and counting), “double jabbed” is now evolving into “triple jabbed”....and just as they used linguistic tricks to...
Bernard Marx Four-thousand, nine-hundred and forty one. And rising. This number can only increase or, at best, stay the same. It can never go down. Of all the innovations...
Dr Sadaf Gilani On April 20, The Lancet published an analysis on the efficacy of the Covid injections. This analysis supports conclusions made in my earlier analysis. That being:...
With every new study, with every new paper, the “deadly” pandemic gets less and less, well, deadly. The most recent data review, published in late March, puts the infection...
by Insight History Although people have tragically died from Covid-19, the way the Covid-19 death data is recorded in many countries around the world has produced, and continues to...
The above video is a webinar given by Dr Genevieve Briand, a lecturer in advanced economics and statistics at Johns Hopkins University. In her talk, Dr Briand claims that...
The numbers speak for themselves. The "danger" - such as it ever was - is over. The curve has been flattened, the hospitals protected, the hands well and...
An in-depth look at the reported excess deaths in England shows something puzzling: Their reported "excess deaths" are much, much younger than the rest of the world, the rest...
Early this month the US CDC launched their Covid19 “care home tracker” website, which claims to list all the care homes in the US which receive government aid, along...
The Lockdown regime, ushered in by the UK government on March 23rd and enacted into Law on March 25th, appears to have led to the premature deaths of tens...
The latest figures make for pretty stark reading. Or, rather, they would make for stark reading…if they didn’t follow the exact same pattern already shown in other nations around...
It is the end of the affair. We are no longer at epidemic levels of covid19 prevalence in the UK (0.27% of the population infected, where 0.4% is the...
Pssst....You. Yeah, you. Are you interested in talking about...things? You know, the kind of things that we’re not allowed to talk about anymore? You know, since the...uhhh...“The Event“?
The official figures for 24 countries across Europe show, not only that overall mortality is not increasing, but – so far – it is actually well below recent averages....
The way Italy registers deaths explains their increased coronavirus case/fatality ratio, according to one expert and a report from Italy's National Institute of Health (ISS).
Kit Knightly Anything up to 99.2% of all of Italy’s recent Covid19-associated deaths could have been caused by pre-existing chronic conditions, according to a report released by the Istituto...