Eugenics, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Clash of Two Systems

Matthew Ehret Matt Ehret explains what caused the rise of the perversion of science known as “eugenics” as a new scientific religion in the 19th century. Part Two of...

India’s lockdown may already have killed more people than “Covid”, and it will only get worse.

Chase Reed “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.Denis Waitley India has...

WATCH: Meet the World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum does not run the world, but in this time of The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution you’d be forgiven for thinking so. Today...

Cell Phones: The Elephant in the Room

Edward Curtin It is difficult to talk to addicts about addictions and it is even harder to do so when their embrace of the drug of choice has dire...

Vaccine Euphoria

Todd Hayen PhD What is all the excitement about? People everywhere celebrating a vax jab with social media pics of their vaccine card, stickers that proudly state “I Got...

How the Unthinkable Became Thinkable

Matthew Ehret Will we see biotechnology serve the interests of humanity under a multipolar paradigm that cherishes national sovereignty, human life, family, and faith? As much as it might...

WHO’s Chief Scientist Served with Legal Notice for Disinformation and Suppression of Evidence

Colin Todhunter On 25 May 2021, the Indian Bar Association (IBA) served a 51-page legal notice on Dr Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO),...

WATCH: Ice Age Farming

In his newest episode of Solutions Watch, James Corbett talks to Christian Westbrook (aka the Ice Age Farmer) about the problems facing the global food supply — from the...

DISCUSS: MSM experiences global internet outage

UPDATES: – Major CDN claims it experienced massive error. [Jump] – Possible narrative of “over centralised” internet taking shape? [Jump] – One single customer blamed for “software bug” +...

The Etymological Animal Must Slip Out of the Cage of Habit to Grasp Truth

Edward Curtin Etymology – from Greek, etymos, true, real, actual (the study of roots) Life is full of slips. Words slip out of our mouths to surprise us.  Thoughts...

Old Normal vs New: From 1980s Neoliberalism to the ‘Great Reset’

Colin Todhunter Sold under the pretence of a quest for optimising well-being and ‘happiness’, capitalism thrives on the exploitation of peoples and the environment. What really matters is the...

The Myth of “Anti-Semitic Violence”

Michael Lesher The claim that the world is awash in an outbreak of Jew-hatred is a myth – a fiction cynically recycled every few years as a cover for...

WATCH: James Corbett on the Delingpod

British author and journalist James Delingpole sits down for a wide-ranging interview with award-winning independent journalist James Corbett. They discuss everything from the Covid19 “pandemic”, global warming, transhumanism and...

3 Tips for Checking Whether a Medical Study is Legit or Bullsh*t

Rosemary Frei, via her website You’ve just watched a video of a high-profile, Covid-sceptic speaker saying that shedding of the spike protein from vaccinated people endangers those they come...

Transgressing the Logic of the New Tyrannical Normal

Daniel Broudy Scholars have speculated that Shirley Jackson’s timeless story The Lottery (1948) was a contemplation of and attempt to make sense of the ghastly forms of rationalization at work in...

Counting Covid’s Deceptive Deaths

Bernard Marx Four-thousand, nine-hundred and forty one. And rising. This number can only increase or, at best, stay the same. It can never go down. Of all the innovations...

Covid “Vaccines”: A Faltering Framework

Dr Sadaf Gilani On April 20, The Lancet published an analysis on the efficacy of the Covid injections. This analysis supports conclusions made in my earlier analysis. That being:...

COVID is over…if you want it

Margaret Anna Alice As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight. And it is in such twilight that we...

Loads of people, loads of photos – the demo they want you to think never took place

John Goss What a day! What beautiful people! What a kick in the teeth for the establishment! And not a mask in sight – except from the police who...

Don’t Be Stupid – Inform Your Decisions

Gillian Dymond Are you tired of having to watch everything you say, in case you’re accused of “hate speech”? Do you frequently have to bite back innocently-spoken words, when...